Online Student Collaboration Tools


Student collaboration in and out of the classroom is an important part of learning, and can happen in a similar way online. Collaboration with one another daily to study or work in groups for course work is easily achieved from off campus. Students can collaborate using various online collaboration tools, listed below.


Task: Student collaboration in and out of the classroom is an important part of learning, and can happen in a similar way online. Collaboration with one another daily to study or work in groups for course work is easily achieved from off campus. Students can collaborate using various online collaboration tools, listed below.


Below are a few on-line tools available to faculty and students for on-line collaboration efforts:

Zoom Video Communication

Zoom is a videoconferencing application you can use on your computer, phone, or tablet to communicate with others in your class or attend virtual lectures.


Microsoft Teams 

Microsoft Teams is a chat based workspace where students are able to keep an on-going chat with groups and collaborate on documents.

Office 365

Office 365 is Microsoft's on-line suite of office products allowing users to share and collaborate using Microsoft applications they are familiar with.



Need additional help?

If you have any questions regarding your course or course tools, please contact the Technology Help Desk Monday through Friday between 7:30 am to 5:00 pm, or submit an online support request.

The Support Center offers Remote Support for Academic Software, or contact the Technology Help Desk on your local campus.

Online documentation for myCourses or any other UNH supported technologies are found in the Technology Help Desk




Article ID: 2178
Wed 3/11/20 2:25 PM
Fri 12/6/24 9:39 AM
Applicable Institution(s):
Keene State College (KSC)
Plymouth State University (PSU)
University of New Hampshire (UNH)