Canvas: Gradebook list of Features


This article will discuss functionality in the Gradebook area of the application. Below is a chart that outlines some of the functionality.


Task: This article will discuss functionality in the Gradebook area of the application.  Below is a chart that outlines some of the functionality.


For more specifics on how to use the Gradebook read the Canvas: Gradebook overview article: mycourses-gradebook-overview



Guide for Gradebook

Grade Detail Tray

Allows you to easily click through all assignments for a student and view or change grade, status, and comments. OR, for a single assignment you can click through and look at every student one by one and view or change their information.

Grade Detail Tray

Missing Policy

Automatically apply grade (zero) for submissions not submitted by the due date.

How do I apply a Missing Submission policy in the New Gradebook?

Late Policy

Deduct specified percentage for each day or hour a submission is late after the due date

How do I apply a Late Submission policy in the New Gradebook?

Grade Status

Change the status (None, Late, Missing, Excused) of an individual assignment grade for a student.

How do I change the status of a submission in the New Gradebook?

Grade Status colors in Gradebook

Change the color associated with a gradebook status: late, missing, resubmitted, dropped, or excused.

How do I change the color for a grading status in the New Gradebook?

Enter Grades as

Enter grades in the gradebook for an assignment as points or percentage.

How do I enter grades for an individual assignment as a specific grading type in the New Gradebook?

Sorting and Displaying Student name

Sort alphabetically, display by first name or last name first, and choose which secondary information to also show.

How do I sort and display student names in the Student Name column in the New Gradebook?

Split Student name The Student name column can be split to view the student's first and last name in their own column. How do I view the Split Student Name column in the Gradebook?

Arrange columns by…

Arrange by Default (Assignment Group), Assignment name (alphabetic), Due date (oldest to newest, or newest to oldest), Points (lowest to highest or highest to lowest), Module (first to last or last to first).

How do I arrange columns in the New Gradebook?

Filters columns by…

Filters columns by Assignment Group, Modules, and/or Section.

How do I filter columns by type in the New Gradebook?

Sort assignment grades by…

Sort by grade (high to low, low to high), Missing, Late.

How do I sort an individual assignment column in the New Gradebook?

Icons and Colors

Various new or updated icons and verbiage added to help Instructors better understand their gradebook.

How do I use the icons and colors in the New Gradebook?

Enter Grades

Overall this is the same, but the interface and access to certain features is slightly different.

How do I enter and edit grades in the New Gradebook?

Provide or view Comments

Click to enter a grade for an assignment and then select the Grade Detail Tray icon (on the right). This will pop up the Grade detail window where you can select Speedgrader.

How do I leave comments for students in the New Gradebook?

Access Speedgrader from Gradebook

Click to enter a grade for an assignment and then select the Grade Detail Tray icon (on the right). This will pop up the Grade detail window where you can select Speedgrader.

How do I get to SpeedGrader from the New Gradebook?

Notes Column

Location has moved to under the "View" link.

How do I use the Notes column in the New Gradebook?

Message Students Who

This is a feature that allows you to filter a list of student based on the filter options and then privately message the students.   In the assignment column select click on the three vertical dots to open the menu list and select "Message Students Who."

How do I send a message to students from the New Gradebook?

View individual student’s Grades page

Click on the name of a student from the Gradebook. Or, on the "Grade Detail Tray" click on the Student’s name.

How do I view a student's Grades page in a course from the New Gradebook?

Move & Sort Total Column

Mouse over "Total" and click on the three vertical dots that come up and make desired change.

How do I use assignment groups and the Total column in the New Gradebook?

Gradebook History

Location of option has moved to under the "Gradebook" link.

How do I view the history of all grading changes in the New Gradebook?

View inactive student

Location of option has moved. Hover over "Student Name," click on the three vertical dots that come up and then select "Concluded enrollments."

How do I view grades for inactive or concluded student enrollments in the New Gradebook?

Grade Post Policy

In the assessment column header select the menu list and select Grade Post Policy. This allows you to hide or post grades for this assessment.

How do I select a grade posting policy for an assignment in the Gradebook?

Set Default Grade

Mouse over the name of an assignment and click on the three vertical dots that come up and select "Set Default Grade."

How do I set a default grade for an assignment in the New Gradebook?

Curve Grades

Mouse over the name of an assignment and click on the three vertical dots that come up and select "Curve Grades."

How do I curve grades in the New Gradebook?

Download Submissions

Mouse over the name of an assignment and click on the three vertical dots that come up and select "Download Assignment."

How do I download all student submissions for an assignment in the New Gradebook?

Import/Export Course Grades

Location of option has moved to under the "Actions" link.

How do I import grades in the New Gradebook?


How do I export grades in the New Gradebook?

Individual View

Location of option has moved to under the "Gradebook" heading.

How do I use the New Gradebook?


Users will be able to understand some of the functionality of Gradebook.

Further reading:

Gradebook Overview

Need additional help?

Please use this link to the Technology Help Desk to locate your local campus contact information.  Use the “Submit a Question” for your campus to enter an online support request. 



Article ID: 2336
Mon 6/29/20 11:14 AM
Wed 2/19/25 3:39 PM
Applicable Institution(s):
Keene State College (KSC)
Plymouth State University (PSU)
University of New Hampshire (UNH)