This article walks through how to use journals, resume, plans and notes in Mahara.
Task: This article walks through how to use journals, resume, plans and notes in Mahara.
After logging into Mahara:
Click on Main Menu in the upper right side of the dashboard page indicated by horizontal lines.
Click on the down arrow next to Content title.
Here is a brief description of each selection and a screen to show how to use it:
Journals is Mahara's version of blogging. You can create journals and entries within journals that can easily be inserted into your portfolio pages.
Here is the Journal Screen.
Here is the Journal Entry Screen.
Resume is Mahara's version of you resume, it allows you to insert sections or all of your resume into your portfolio pages, such as your cover letter, professional history, skills and interest.
Plans are simple ToDo lists with completion dates and check marks.
Here is the Plans Screen.
Here is the Tasks Screen within Plans.
Notes are text boxes that are centrally stored to easily update multiple portfolio pages at once. Click here to see how to create a Note block.
Users will be able to utilize journals, resume, plans and notes in Mahara.
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