How to Install JMP License


How to License JMP



JMP is an academic software that used for exploratory data analysis, statistical modeling, and graphical representation of data. This article details how to install JMP license on your personal devices.



Task: To install the JPM license to your personal devices

For detailed download and installation instructions: Installing JMP


Step 1 - Once you have downloaded and installed the JMP software, based on your current Operating System, connect to the repository for the License files here: UNH JMP  This folder is accessible to all UNH account holders, but you may have to login with your UNH username and password to gain access.  

Step 2 - Download the appropriate JMP license.txt file based on your computer operating system, you will need to remember where you saved the license file in the following step.  Download this by clicking on the item and then clicking on the Download button that appears in the middle of the browser window.  Save to your desired location.

Step 3 - Launch JMP.

Step 4 - On the Select Your JMP License screen, select the license file that you downloaded from the repository and click Open.  

Step 5 - On the Personalize Your JMP License screen, enter your name and department if you wish, and then click OK.

Step 6 - On the Save License As screen, navigate to your desired location and click Save to save the license file.  You should save in a permanent place.

Step 7 - You will see a dialog box that says “Your license has been accepted. Thank You.” Click OK on this dialog box to finish the license installation and launch JMP Pro.

Step 8 - Once the installation is complete, you may discard the installation archive you downloaded in the initial steps.



You have successfully installed JMP license on your personal devices.


Further Readings

Installing JMP

JMP - UNH License

Using JMP


Need additional help?

Visit the Technology Help Desk Support page to locate your local campus contact information or to submit an online technology support request.  For password issues you must call or visit the Help Desk in person.  



Article ID: 4285
Thu 12/9/21 1:37 PM
Wed 2/7/24 9:07 AM
Applicable Institution(s):
University of New Hampshire (UNH)