Student Experience of Learning (Blue) - Core Survey Questions


This document contains the 5 core questions for students at UNH as well as 2 instructor specific questions that are found in the SEL survey for students.



This document contains the 5 core questions for students at UNH as well as 2 instructor specific questions that are found in the SEL survey for students.


Below are the core questions for the UNH SEL.  Please note that some departments and colleges also include specific questions to their area.  These questions are not currently part of this knowledge base article.


As per the recent senate motions in favor of proceeding with a pilot of this new instrument to replace the previous student course evaluations, we met with the Survey Center 4/27/22 and also did some pilot testing with students regarding phrasing and words in questions 1 & 2. We also changed the order of Q’s 5&6, 7&8.  

This version represents the current version moving forward to Academic Technology for piloting this summer and fall. (bpw) 





 Students are requested to complete this form for each instructor in every course in which they are enrolled. Student Experience of learning (SEL) surveys are used to provide feedback that supports faculty with their teaching. The SEL asks questions about the course and about learning experiences within the course. 


Information in this section is recorded within Blue  

Department Course Number Section Instructor    Academic Year   Semester I   Semester II    CRN  




The following five questions pertain to your experience in this COURSE:  


  1. 1. Think about the activities in this course that were most valuable to your learning.  Describe how these experiences contributed to your learning. Be specific and give concrete examples.  


2.  Describe how learning activities in the course might be adapted or modified in a manner that meets your learning needs. Be sure that your suggestions are constructive and specific; general feedback will not provide your instructor with the information needed to improve the course.  


  2. 3. What did you do in this course to promote your own learning?  


 4. Using the following scale, please rate your recommendation of this course to other students whose academic preparation and program are like yours:  


             1 not recommend.            2 neither recommend nor discourage         3 recommend          4 recommend strongly 


  1. 5. Would you recommend this course to other students whose academic preparation and program are similar to yours?  Why or why not?  



The following two questions pertain to the INSTRUCTOR of the course you are evaluating:  


  2. 1. Using the following scale, please rate your recommendation of this instructor to other students:  


 1 not recommend.            2 neither recommend nor discourage         3 recommend          4 recommend strongly 


  1. Would you recommend this instructor to other students?  Why or why not?  Please be specific and constructive.  


Further Readings

Student Experiences of Learning (SEL) Survey (Blue) - Overview

UNH Student Experiences of Learning Survey


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Article ID: 4557
Mon 12/19/22 1:01 PM
Wed 12/4/24 10:45 AM
Applicable Institution(s):
University of New Hampshire (UNH)

