Student Experiences of Learning (SEL) Survey (Blue) - Overview

Purpose: This article is intended to provide a brief overview of the software application that USNH institutions use to record student feedback on courses and faculty at the end of terms.
Intended Audience:  Institution Blue TEV Users
Environment:  Student Experiences of Learning (SEL) Survey

Scope of Article: This article describes the basic functions of Blue as Student Experiences of Learning (SEL) Survey . It highlights the policies and procedures, how to access the portal, and understanding reports for SEL at USNH. Whether you are a student, faculty/ta, or Dean's office staff this article will help you find resources.


Policies and Procedures

  • Sets forth policies and procedures for formal University-wide student Student Experiences of Learning. The goals of survey include:
  1. Providing instructors with formative feedback
  2. Reinforcing and promoting excellence in teaching throughout the University (adhering to NECHE Standards)  
  3. Providing input into promotion and tenure decisions, and annual and post-tenure reviews  
  4. Providing feedback regarding course content and success in meeting curricular goals 

Survey Question Sets

  • The standard list of questions which has been approved by the University that are used in the survey process can be found with in the Further Reading section below.

Accessing the Blue Survey Portal

  • Blue can be accessed in two ways, either directly through Canvas or from a link that is sent in an email from the Blue system (from the Office of the Provost). The email link is specific to the user who receives it and takes them directly to Blue. The Blue software is setup with SSO from Canvas (myCourses).

For Students

  • Instructions on how students would access the Blue application.  There are several ways in which students may access their Survey, either through Canvas using the Student Experiences of Learning - Students menu option or directly from an email sent to students from the Provost when surveys open

For Faculty/TA

  • Instructions on how instructors would access the Blue application.  There are several ways in which faculty may access their surveys, either through Canvas using the Student Experiences of Learning - Instructor menu option or by logging directly into Blue.  

Accessing reports

  • Reports can be accessed with Deans, Dean's staff, Dept Chair, and Instructor level permissions.

Further Reading

Student Experiences of Learning: Policies & Procedures

Survey Questions Sets

Accessing Blue Survey Portal for students

Accessing Blue Survey Portal for faculty/ta

Reporting Access

Need additional help?

Please contact the Technology Help Desk on your local campus.

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Article ID: 1763
Fri 7/19/19 6:20 PM
Thu 5/2/24 11:48 AM
Applicable Institution(s):
University of New Hampshire (UNH)