myPortal - Creating Announcements


Users with specific roles and permissions can create Announcements within my.Portal. The Announcements and Notifications feature provides ways for users to receive important information. Notifications can be adjusted for receipt of relevant updates through channels a user prefers.



Users with specific roles and permissions can create Announcements within my.Portal. The Announcements and Notifications feature provides ways for users to receive important information. Notifications can be adjusted for receipt of relevant updates through channels a user prefers. 



Task: Below are the steps to create announcements within the Portal


  1. Once logged into my.portal, click on Announcements using the left hand navigation
  2. Click on Add Announcement
  3. The system defaults to Notice, but using the drop down menu, creators can select the type of Announcement they are looking to create.  Not all creators will have Emergency option.

  1. Add a clear concise Title for the Announcement
  2. Provide a Message regarding this Announcement.  Ensure you provide as much information as possible for users including dates and next actions.
  3. Select the appropriate audience to Send the Announcement too. This will determine which users will receive the messaging.  Please be aware that users have access to other institutions, ensure you are selecting the correct audience.  There is no spell check so be sure to get a second set of eyes to proof your message before sending
  4. Delivery Channels will allows you to select how you want the message to be received by users
  5. Creators also have the ability to attach an Image, Attachment, Schedule the Announcement for the future or Expire an Announcement.

  1. Select Send once your information has been added.  There is no edit on Announcements so be sure your information is correct. 




Announcement Creators now have the ability to create and send types of announcements through the portal.


Further Readings

myPortal: Announcements

myPortal: Log-in


Need additional help?

Visit the Technology Help Desk Support page to locate your local campus contact information or to submit an online technology support request using the support form HERE.  For password issues you must call or visit the Help Desk in person.  



Article ID: 4632
Wed 3/15/23 3:36 PM
Tue 7/2/24 10:53 AM
Applicable Institution(s):
Keene State College (KSC)
Plymouth State University (PSU)
University of New Hampshire (UNH)
USNH System Office