UNH TV: Carousel: Adding a YouTube Video


Carousel allows users to use YouTube videos on displays, this article will walk users through the process of adding individual videos as well as YouTube Playlists.



Carousel allows users to use YouTube videos on displays, this article will walk users through the process of adding individual videos as well as YouTube Playlists.


Task: Outlined below is the process of adding a YouTube video to your display

YouTube videos are done using Dynamic Bulletins and the videos are not actually uploaded to Carousel they are played from YouTube using a Share link.


  1. In YourTube create a Playlist and add all the videos you'd like displayed to that Playlist
  2. Once the Playlist is created in YouTube, save and copy the Share Link provided.
  3. From the main menu in Carousel once logged in, choose New Bulletin
  4. On the left side, select Dynamic
  5. Select YouTube Video from the options presented
  6. Paste in the Share Link provided from YouTube
  7. Continue with configuring your Schedule and Extras as you would with other content
  8. Publish

NOTE: Most Displays volume is turned all the way down, if the video has audio, you will need to turn the volume up on the displays.



Users will be able to create Dynamic Content via YouTube and then add it to their Carousel Zone.


Further Readings

UNH TV: Carousel - Creating a New Bulletin from an Upload


Need additional help?

Please use the Digital Signage Webform available online, or contact the ET&S Help Desk team on your local campus.



Article ID: 4644
Wed 3/29/23 10:06 AM
Wed 12/4/24 1:24 PM
Applicable Institution(s):
University of New Hampshire (UNH)
USNH System Office