myPortal - TeamDynamix Overview of myPortal Publisher Responsibilities


This article provides an overview of the role and responsibilities in working through requests in TeamDynamix assigned to a myPortal Publisher.



This article provides an overview of the role and responsibilities in working through requests in TeamDynamix assigned to a myPortal Publisher.  



Task: This article reviews the role and responsibilities of working through requests in TeamDynamix assigned to a myPortal Publisher.  



As part of the myPortal Publisher role, you will be assigned different tasks to accomplish for your campus’s instance of myPortal - either Plymouth State University, University of New Hampshire or Keene State College's instance. As part of the process, you’ll receive tickets through TeamDynamix to handle these requests. Part of your role will be either to review the requests and/or make changes or add content within myPortal based on the suggestions coming in via the ticketing system. The kinds of requests you will receive are: account requests, feature requests, and content requests.  

If you would like to review how to utilize TeamDynamix, please read myPortal: TeamDynamix Approving an Account Request or Enhancement/Feature.

Account Requests 

It will be your responsibility to review the account request and approve or reject it. If approved within TeamDynamix the ticket will move onto the Business Application Administration department who can then allocate the appropriate account. If you would like to review the available roles and permissions within myPortal please visit the myPortal – Roles Knowledge Base article.  

Feature Requests  

It will be your responsibility to review the feature request and approve or reject it. If approved within TeamDynamix the ticket will move onto the Business Application Administration department who can then work on developing the request. For these request(s) you may need to have a conversation with the requestor to validate the request and receive further information. Please refer to your campus’ myPortal Governance group, if you’re unsure of how to proceed with a Feature Request.  

Content Requests  

You will be responsible for developing content requests or working with other myPortal admins (Editors, Publishers, Community Announcers) and posting within myPortal. Many of these requests are likely to be requesting an announcement to be posted to campus constituents. You can read more about creating announcements on our Knowledge Base article - myPortal - Creating Announcements. Once you’ve processed and worked on your content request you would close it out within TeamDynamix appropriately. 

For any of the requests if you have question(s) it’s best to consult both with the requestor and with your myPortal Governance team.  



You will be able to understand your roles and responsibilities within TeamDynamix as a myPortal Publisher. 


Further Readings

myPortal: TeamDynamix Approving an Account Request or Enhancement/Feature

myPortal – Roles

myPortal - Creating Announcements

Need additional help?

Visit the Technology Help Desk Support page to locate your local campus contact information or to submit an online technology support request.  For password issues you must call or visit the Help Desk in person.  



Article ID: 4785
Wed 9/20/23 1:29 PM
Tue 7/2/24 10:54 AM
Applicable Institution(s):
Keene State College (KSC)
Plymouth State University (PSU)
University of New Hampshire (UNH)