Kaltura: Finding Embeds That Need To Be Updated Before the Kaltura v7 Player Upgrade


This article reviews the process needed to find embeds that users might need to update when the Kaltura v7 player is upgraded.



This article reviews the process needed to find embeds that users might need to update when the Kaltura v7 player is upgraded. 


  1. Log in to MediaSpace
  2. From the user name (e.g. Your Name) menu in the upper right, select My Content Analytics
  3. In the upper right, select Last 30 Days.
    1. Change to a longer period. Suggestion: Select Last 12 Months or specify a longer timeframe.
    2. Select Apply
  4. Select the Filter menu to expand it.
  5. Under Domains, click Select DomainsThe menu expands, showing all domains from which your media has been loaded in the chosen time period.
  6. Select the checkbox(es) for each domain in the list, except the following, separated by campus (because they will be handled automatically by the player upgrade project):
    1. UNH
      1. https://kaf.mycourses.unh.edu/ (UNH) 
      2. media.unh.edu (UNH) 
    2. PSU 
      1. https://kaf-prod.plymouth.edu/ (PSU) 
      2. mediaspace.plymouth.edu (PSU) 
    3. KSC
      1. https://420171.kaf.kaltura.com (KSC) 
      2. mediaspace.keene.edu (KSC) 
  7. Select Apply. The page updates based on the filters you selected.
  8. In the Top Domains section at the bottom of the page, select the first domain name in the list. The listing updates to show that domain. If available, there will be a list of Page URLs (specific web pages) in that domain that have your media embedded. These are embeds that will break when the upgrade occurs. There may be multiple pages of results.
    1. In the Page URLs list, select the Icon in Kaltura to Open Page URL in a New Tab  (Open page URL in a new browser tab) button. A tab opens, showing a page that includes a Kaltura embed created in MediaSpace.
      • Note: It is possible you will not have access to the page you are trying to open
    2. Take note of the page to be revisited and updated when Kaltura player v7 embed codes are available in MediaSpace
    3. Close the tab opened in step 8-1
    4. Repeat steps 8-1 through 8-3 for each page URL in the listing
    5. When done working through the pages in that domain, select the Top Domains link to return to the domain listing
  9. Continue to the next domain in the Top Domains listing, and repeat step 8 (including 8-1 through 8-5) above.

Need additional help?

Please fill out this streaming media webform with as much detail as possible, or contact the Technology Help Desk on your local campus.




Article ID: 4930
Wed 5/8/24 4:24 PM
Thu 7/11/24 4:19 PM
Applicable Institution(s):
Keene State College (KSC)
Plymouth State University (PSU)
University of New Hampshire (UNH)
USNH System Office