TeamDynamix: Moving tickets to another ticketing application


How to move a TeamDynamix ticket to a separate ticketing application.



This article is for TDNext users who need to transfer a ticket to a ticketing application that they are not a member of. 

Users may also refer to this action as "sending tickets over the wall."

There are some secure applications in TeamDynamix, such as HR Secured, where transferring tickets is not done in the usual way (Update --> Reassign).  Sometimes it is necessary to transfer a TeamDynamix ticket to another segment/application within TeamDynamix. 

This happens when a requester inadvertently opens a ticket that defaults to the wrong place or when there is more there are teams inside and outside of the secured application who need to take action on the ticket.  

How-To Move a TeamDynamix Ticket to a Separate Application within TeamDynamix



Step 1 - In the ticket, click Actions

Step 2 - Choose "Move to Application"

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

If "Move to Application" is not available, open a ticket for the TeamDynamix Application Administrator to request this option. 

Step 3 - Select the application to move the ticket to

Step 4 - Select the form.  If unsure of which form, use a best guess or the most general form for that application

Step 5 - Fill out the form and click -->Move

Step 6 - Click OK on the warning (shown below)

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)


The ticket will be assigned to the group designated in the form which was filled out during the above process.  It is not possible to view or otherwise interact with the ticket once it has been transferred to an application that you do not have access to. 

Need additional help?

Contact TeamDynamix Application Administration for further assistance.

Visit the Technology Help Desk Support page to locate your local campus contact information or to submit an online technology support request.  For password issues you must call or visit the Help Desk in person.  




Article ID: 5114
Mon 1/6/25 8:29 AM
Tue 1/21/25 3:10 PM
Applicable Institution(s):
Keene State College (KSC)
Plymouth State University (PSU)
University of New Hampshire (UNH)
USNH System Office