Task: This article is a student troubleshooting guide to iClicker at USNH.
Be sure to register your remote for each class using clickers through the iClicker mobile app. Do Not register your device at
My instructor is using iClicker Cloud. How to I register my Clicker device?
- The iClicker remote device must be registered in the student Mobile app or by using the iClicker app on a laptop. The student mobile app is free if you are only using it to register the iClicker device.
How do I reset my iClicker Cloud password?
- On the initial iClicker Cloud login screen, select the Reset Password link. Enter your UNH email and a reset password link will be emailed to you. Check out the Reset password to iClicker Cloud Kb article for additional information.
My iClicker won’t turn on.
- If the remote is new, be sure that the plastic tab has been removed from the battery case in the back.
- Be sure that the batteries are facing the correct way and are fully inserted.
- Check the LED screen on your device, on the right side is the battery charge meter. If your batteries may have no charge left in them (average battery life is 200 hours), try replacing the batteries.
My iClicker won’t connect to the base.
- You can only connect to the channel when an iClicker session is running.
- Be sure that you’re using the correct frequency code. The code for each classroom is displayed on the wall at the front of the room.
- Enter the frequency code by pressing and holding the Orange button. Use the key pad to enter the code, a checkmark appears if it is the correct code.
I registered my clicker, but my grades are not showing up in Grades.
- Make sure you have entered your Clicker serial number in your Canvas course. Do not register your Clicker device at the Clicker website.
- Make certain that your clicker is not still set to "AA". There are no classrooms on campus using this code, and your clicker being set to it means that you have never properly connected to the base.
- If your clicker is on the correct frequency for your classroom, but you still cannot see your grades, your professor may need to sync their iClicker roster again.
- If you registered your remote late or had to replace your clicker, the iClicker roster will need to be updated in order for you to begin receiving credit. You will need to discuss this with your professor.
I am using the iClicker student app and my instructor can't see my responses.
- Make sure to login through the campus portal. Enter your UNH credentials to access your Clicker student mobile app.
- Once you have logged in, you should be able to add the course.
- If you are using an iClicker remote make sure you add the serial number in your iClicker mobile app account
- If you need to replace the iClicker device, then remember to update the serial number in the student mobile app account profile and notify your instructor so they can update the course.
I am using the iClicker student app and my points are not showing up in the Canvas grades area.
- Make sure to login through the campus portal. Enter your UNH credentials to access your Clicker student app.
- The iClicker mobile app should have a Join option when the instructor starts the polling questions. Select Join to access the polling and see the polling question and answer options.
- Ask your instructor if they are uploading the polling sessions into the Canvas course.
Need additional help?
If you need assistance with your iClicker device or iClicker student app, you can visit the IT support desk in the Dimond Library.
Fill out the iClicker webform with as much detail as possible or contact the Technology Help Desk on your local campus.