Canvas: Cross-List/Combine Course


In Canvas instructors are able to combine multiple course sections to deliver all course content using a single course.  This is called 'Cross-Listing' and the steps below walk you through how to do this.


Task: In Canvas, instructors are able to combine multiple course sections to deliver all course content using a single course.  This is called 'Cross-Listing' and the steps below walk you through how to do this.  ​​​​​​

These instructions are for UNH, PSU and CPS faculty.  KSC faculty should submit a Help Desk ticket to KSC IT using the ET&S Help Desk team link at the bottom of this article.   

These steps must be followed for each section that needs to be combined.  Please read the Note below the instructions prior to combing the courses.

When combining a "regular" course with an Honors course, the Honors course would be considered the non-parent.


  1. Identify which course will be the ‘Parent’ course where all content and students will reside
  2. Navigate to the course that is not the parent and will be combined into the parent course
  3. In the non-parent course, click on ‘Settings’ in the bottom left of the course menu.
  4. Click on the ‘Sections’ tab at the top of the settings area
  5. You will see a title of ‘Course Sections’ with a section name listed underneath as a blue hyperlink
  6. Click on the section name hyper link and the section details opens showing the current enrollments
  7. Click on the gray, ‘Cross-list this section’ button at the right side of the page and a pop-up opens
  8. Begin typing the name or ID of the parent course and select the appropriate option as it appears
  9. Click on the blue, ‘Cross-List this Section’ button at the bottom of the pop-up
  10. In the course that is now the Parent (combined) course, in the Course menu, select Settings, select Sections.  The Sections area will show all the cross-listed courses as well as the number of people (students and teachers) in each course.  
  11. Next change the course display name to include the name and ID all the sections.  Go to Settings, then select the Course Details tab.  Append the course name in the Course Code field by adding additional words after the existing entry.  The course Name field can still be updated as needed.  If the Course Code field is changed, it will revert both fields back to the original name. 
  12. The cross-listed courses will default to the name and ID of the parent course.


  • NEW Update:  The option to change the course name has been altered slightly.  You can no longer edit the entire Course Code field.  Now you can only append the course name in the Course Code field by adding additional words after the existing entry.     The course Name field can still be updated as needed.  If the Course Code field is changed, it will revert both fields back to the original name. 

  • Only the course material that is in the Parent course will be available to the students and teachers.  Course material in a non-parent course is hidden from view.
  • Only cross-list courses that have no student activity.  If you cross-list courses after students have submitted assignments or discussion posts and have been graded, then the submission will be removed and may not be recoverable.
  • Courses are cross-listed one at a time. If you have multiple sections to cross-list, follow the steps above for each course.
  • Courses can be cross-listed prior to student enrollment.
  • Course content can be imported into the "Parent" course either before or after the course is cross-listed.


You will be able to cross-list/combine courses on Canvas.

Further reading: 

Canvas: Changing the Course Name

Need additional help?

Please use this link to the Technology Help Desk to locate your local campus contact information.  Use the “Submit a Question” for your campus to enter an online support request.  



Article ID: 826
Fri 7/19/19 5:38 PM
Mon 1/6/25 10:19 AM
Applicable Institution(s):
Keene State College (KSC)
Plymouth State University (PSU)
University of New Hampshire (UNH)