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Tasks provide users with the ability to create "to-do" items and assign them to groups at the institution. Tasks allow Task Managers to push out important “To Do” actions to a group of users so that those users can be notified of upcoming actions they need to carry out.
Publishers, Announcers & Task Managers of myPortal will be associated to a role behind the scene in order to provide permissions of what they can or can not do in myPortal. Roles and permissions were set my a governance group. This article will list out each role and their permissions as they pertain to myPortal.
The Tools feature allows users to have a one-click access to the systems they need most.   This article describes how Tools are used and how to add a Tool.
This article will assist Portal administrators with the Page editor Role, the ability to understand the functionality of Pages. Pages provide quick access to important information to users accessing the portal.
The Connections feature provides users with the option to connect with other users at their institution.  Users can view Events attended and Groups joined by other users, and even view public conversations in which users are engaged.  A user's Connections' activity will appear in the user's Activity feed.