myPortal - Pages


This article will assist Portal administrators with the Page editor Role, the ability to understand the functionality of Pages.  Pages provide quick access to important information to users accessing the portal.



Task:  Creating and editing Pages



Creating New Pages

  1.     Currently set up to add a Page you click pages from the portal left hand menu from above and then click on + Add Page 

Page Names

  1.    When you add a new page you must add a title. The URL at first will auto-populate based on the title but you can change this. 


  1.  You’ll want to remember to create a unique URL for your new page. Typically you’ll want to use dashes (–) between words I.e.

Short Description

  1.    Short Description is limited to 140 characters. This should be clear and concise information about your page.  
  2.     You will get a character amount countdown in this field as you fill it out, so you’ll know if you’ve gone over.
  3.     Example “This is enrollment information for Communications majors at Plymouth State University”.  
  4.     When writing the descriptions keeps in mind Key Words for searching functionality.

URL Alias

  1.     Can be an alternative set up to the main page URL.  
  2.     Alias lets you choose a nickname for your page, meaning a new URL that points to the content the same way the original URL does.
  3.     This setting allows for multiple additional URL Alias

Page Category

  1.     Page categories are required as part of the page creation process 

Page Visibility

    Required page -  Users will be unable to remove it from their menu.

    Public page -  Public pages are visible to anyone with this link (even users not logged in/outside of the the organization)

    Make it visible to the roles categories in Pathify....the roles are defined in the Pathify Back end. 


  1.    Add labels to enhance suggestions of this page in Discover and Search.

  2.    Labels are created within Pathify, and new ones must be requested or created by Pathify Admins

Create New Page  

  1. This is the Rich Content Editor (RCE) for creating a page. You have the ability to use (in order of appearance in the RCE). It is good to follow web best practices when creating pages – remember these are pages built for use on the Web – make sure images are web-friendly sizes and your content is accessible.  

  •     Paragraphs, headings or use block quotes
  •     Change the font color or highlight  
  •     Use Bold or Italic text  
  •     Change the text positioning  
  •     Use numbers  
  •     Use bullets  
  •     Use Hyperlink  
  •     Use Anchor  
  •     Create Horizontal Lines  
  •     Import Files
  •     Add Images  
  •     Add Tables  
  •     Edit or view ie HTML  
  •     Expand or contract your editing view
  1.   Once you’ve done the initial work on your Page you can either Save as a Draft if you have more work to do or Publish the page. 

  1.   If you’ve saved the page as a draft if you visit the Category of your page you’ll be able to find it from there. It will note Unpublished see below for how to edit an existing page.  

  1. This is a published page, and it also shows when it was last updated. 
  •     Adding Labels to Groups, Posts, and Events can make them more searchable.
  •     Privacy Settings can be adjusted to control whether a user appears in Search.
  •     Public Groups will show in Search; Private Groups will not.

Editing an Existing Page

  1.     If you would need to edit an existing page you would go to the … (More) menu and click on Edit Page. From there you can also Delete, Make a Copy, or Copy Page URL

Other important Pages Settings


  1. The Shortcuts feature allows users to add frequently visited or favorite systems to their left-hand Shortcuts menu.
  2. The Add icon is below. Click the Add Icon to the right of the Tool to add. You would click the same icon to remove it from the menu. 


Users now have the knowledge to create and edit pages as required.

Further Reading

myPortal: Log-in

Need additional help?

Visit the Technology Help Desk Support page to locate your local campus contact information or to submit an online technology support request using the support form HERE.  For password issues you must call or visit the Help Desk in person.  

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Article ID: 4583
Wed 1/25/23 10:44 AM
Tue 8/13/24 11:48 AM
Applicable Institution(s):
Keene State College (KSC)
Plymouth State University (PSU)
University of New Hampshire (UNH)