- Knowledge Base
- Technology
- Learning Tools & Services
- Kaltura
- Media Space (media.unh.edu)
This article describes how to embed media in a web page or Powerpoint in MediaSpace.
- Knowledge Base
- Technology
- Communications
- Websites & Mobile Apps
- Drupal
This article demonstrates the process of creating accordion sections within a web page.
- Knowledge Base
- Technology
- Communications
- Websites & Mobile Apps
- Website Documentation
This article contains frequently asked questions related to faculty profiles in myElements, and faculty and staff profile pages appearing in school and college websites.
- Knowledge Base
- Technology
- Business Tools & Services
- Microsoft 365 (M365)
- Microsoft Teams
- Team
This article describes how to add a website tab to an existing team channel in Microsoft Teams.
- Knowledge Base
- Technology
- Communications
- Websites & Mobile Apps
- Drupal
This how-to article provides the step necessary to create a basic web page in Drupal.