This article details how the email reply service process works in TeamDynamix.
Purpose: How the email reply service processing works. |
Intended Audience: TeamDynamix support specialists and technicians |
Environment: TeamDynamix application |
Scope of Article: The E-Mail Reply service processes and stores replies to notifications generated from TDx by a user.
Content: A TDx user can notify an individual with an email message generated from a TDx item (e.g. Ticket, Project, Briefcase file, etc.). Such notifications are stored in the TDx feed for that item, and any email replies are sent to the sender’s email.
If the recipient replies to the email message, their comments will automatically post to the relevant TDx item from which it came. This is in addition to delivering the email reply to the original sender’s email account. If the TDx notification was generated from an item that can hold files i.e. a ticket, a briefcase file, then any attachments included in the response will be automatically posted in TDx as well.
This feature reduces the burden of copying and pasting emails and uploading documents into TDx, which is often necessary for purposes of record keeping and information sharing across teams.

Further Readings
TeamDynamix: Basic Navigation & Ticketing Reference Manual
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