Public articles regarding the TeamDynamix (TDx) System at USNH.

Categories (8)

TDx Knowledge Base (KB)

Public articles regarding the TeamDynamix (TDx) Knowledge Base (KB) or TDx KB.

TeamDynamix User Guides & Reference Manuals

Training resources & user guides

TeamDynamix Planned Maintenance & Release Notes

Updates, URLs, planned maintenance, and release notes

TDx IT Service Management Documentation (Needs Review)

Documents specific to the IT Service Management Application in TeamDynamix (has since been changed to ESM)

Articles (8)

TeamDynamix: Getting Started - Just-in-Time Documentation

This document is a list of curated knowledgebase articles for those who have had TeamDynamix training, but have had little to no experience using TeamDynamix.  These are the answers to many of the commonly asked questions that service delivery specialists and technicians have when they begin to use TeamDynamix.

TeamDynamix:Training Resources

This article details available TeamDynamix Training Resources for USNH community members.

Outlook: How Prevent TeamDynamix Notifications from landing in Outlook Junk Folder

How to ensure that TeamDynamix email notifications do not get stuck in the Outlook Junk folder

TeamDynamix: File Types & Sizes Permitted as Attachments

This article details the file types permitted as attachments and the size limits for attachments in TeamDynamix.

TeamDynamix: Getting Started with TeamDynamix Mobile App

The TeamDynamix Mobile app allows you to connect to TeamDynamix from your mobile device. This guide will walk you through finding, installing, and connecting the TeamDynamix Mobile app. This article is for USNH TeamDynamix technicians with permission to use this application.

TeamDynamix: Links for TDx Production and Sandbox Access

This article provides a list of the Production and Sandbox links for TeamDynamix (TDx) access at USNH.

TeamDynamix: Sandbox Information

The TeamDynamix Sandbox is the test and development environment for TeamDynamix at USNH. ​​​​​​​This article explains how to access the Sandbox as well as the maintenance and refresh schedules.