Task: This article describes how to add a syllabus to your course in Canvas.
Syllabus overview video

Overview of the Rich Content Editor and how to add a file.

Adding a Syllabus:
Click on the Edit button in the upper right side. This opens the Rich Content Editor. You can proceed to type content in the rich content editor, you can copy and paste your syllabus from your Word document or the best option is to attach your syllabus as a file. This allows the student to download the file on their local device.
- To add a file, click on the Document icon in the Menu bar, click the down arrow to see the Upload Document option.
- Next select Upload Document to open a window.
- Click on Upload document to open a view of the files on your computer.
- Locate and select the file on your device and select Open.
- Finally select Submit.
- The file will be placed on the Rich Content Editor where your cursor was located.
- Select the Update Syllabus icon to save your changes.
If you would like to make changes to your Syllabus document, you would to do this outside of Canvas and then re-add the document to the Rich Content Editor.
User will be able to add a syllabus to their course in Canvas.
Further reading:
How do I edit the syllabus description?
How do I use the Syllabus as an instructor?
How to set the Syllabus page as the home page?
How does the student use the Syllabus?
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