Task: This article describes the Final Grade Override feature in Canvas

The Final Grade Override is a grades feature which allows you to enter different final grade for a student than the grade that is automatically calculated by Canvas. You have the option to enter a letter grade or a percentage. Enter a grade only for the student/s whose grade you are adjusting.
Using the Final Grade Override column is optional and it must be enabled for the column to appear in the grades area. Read the steps below for more information.
For UNH Durham only: If you are using Grade Passback to send grades directly from Canvas to WebCat, then the Override gives you the option to adjust grades in Canvas grades area before you submit the grades. You still have the option to review and edit grades in Webcat.
Steps to enable:
The Grade Override is enabled through the Grades area.
- In the Grades, on the right side select the Cog Wheel to open the Policy window. Select the Advanced tab. Check the box for "Allow final grade override" and select Update.
- A grades column called "Override" is added to the right of the Total column.
Using the Grade Override column:
Once it is enabled, the grader has the option to manually enter a different grade than the Total Grade for a student. The grade entered in the Override column becomes the new final grade. The previous grade remains in the Total Grade column for faculty to see while students will only see the new grade. The Override grade will not be affected by any grade changes that are made in individual columns.
- Enter a new final grade in the Override column type a new final grade for any student you want to adjust the grade.
- Enter either a letter grade or a percentage.
Note: Enter grades for only the students receiving the adjusted grade.
Student View of Total Grade:
Currently students see their Total Grade score as a percentage and the total number of points earned and total possible points. When the Grade Override is applied the Total Grade score percentage is updated to the new score.
Note: Students do not see their previous Total Grade.
It explains how to override the final grades in Canvas
Further reading:
How do I override a student's final grade in the Gradebook?
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