This article provides an overview of ePortfolios.
The College of Professional Studies Online (CPSO) uses the Anthology ePortfolio (formerly known as Chalk and Wire) for the Graduate programs.
This ePortfolio tool is used as an electronic collection of some assignments that are used as evidence of specific outcomes across several courses in your program. It is accessed through assignments within the Canvas courses.
If Anthology is required in a course, it will be noted in the college bookstore. If you don’t already have an active Anthology subscription, you will either need to purchase a new subscription or renew an existing subscription if it has expired.
The following Startup Guides for students, faculty, and staff can be found in the ePortfolio Handbook which can be viewed online or downloaded for future reference. These startup guides provide in-depth documentation covering the following topics:
Startup Guides for Students
Startup Guides for Instructors
Need additional help?
Please note that if you have any questions about ePortfolio assignments or the ePortfolio component of your overall graduate studies experience, please contact your instructor first.
If you are having any difficulties activating or accessing your e-Portfolio account or trouble accessing assignments through Canvas, please contact the Technology Help Desk. For password issues you must call or visit the Help Desk in person.