Plymouth State faculty can request other users be added to their courses and the associated role that will provide the permissions that users will have in the course. The article will outline the process of requesting a user be added to a course.
To have a user added to a course, you can request the party be added by providing the following information to the PSU Help Desk. You can call the Help Desk at 603-535-2525 or submit a Canvas ticket here. Requests to have someone added to a course need to come from the Faculty of record in the course or will need to be approved by that faculty member. Be sure to include all of the following:
- Name of the Course
- Course ID (eg: EN1200.07)
- Name and Username or email address of the user to be added
- Role within the course that the user should have associated with them
- Semester (eg: Fall 2024)
Faculty will be able to request other users be added to their courses and the associated role that will provide the permissions that the user will have in the course. Below is a list of roles that can be associated with users to be added to a course with a short note on what this role will have the ability to do in your course.
Teacher - The Banner Instructor of Record has complete access to a course. PSU faculty are not able to add or remove students, teachers, TAs, observers, designers or guest instructors.
Student - Students can view resources, interact with activities, and are eligible to be graded. This role is synced to Banner, so students will be automatically added/removed according to their registration status. If a student is missing from your Canvas course, please have the student contact the PSU Help Desk.
Grading Assistant (GA) - All the same permissions as Teacher except without access to publish or unpublishing a course and add or remove students, teachers, TAs, and designers. This role is designed for students who will assist with grading.
Teaching Assistant (TA) -- This role is designed for students who are to assist in the instruction but not the grading of materials in a course. TAs are able to alter course activities but do not have access to grades in a course.
Observer - This role is designated for employees of the university that simply need access to the course to see content but have no other permissions. The Observer role is used for teaching observations or course content sharing.
Note: Teacher, Grading Assistant (GA), Teaching Assistant (TA), and Observer roles require approval.
Further Readings
Canvas (myCourses): User Roles and Permissions
Need additional help?
Visit the Technology Help Desk Support page to locate your local campus contact information or to submit an online technology support request. For password issues you must call or visit the Help Desk in person.