Task: This article describes how Faculty Directors can lock or unlock objects, associate a course with a blueprint course, sync changes to Blueprint courses, and disassociate a course from a blueprint course.
A blueprint course is a special type of course in Canvas that serves as a template for other courses. The content and settings in the blueprint course can then be pushed out to courses that are associated with the blueprint.
Finding a Blueprint Course
Locating a blueprint course is the first step to lock or unlock objects, associate a course with a blueprint course, sync changes to Blueprint courses, and disassociate a course from a blueprint course.
- In Global Navigation, click the Admin link, then click the name of the account.
- In Course Navigation, click the Courses link.
- To find the course in the account, use the filter and search options.
- To include only blueprint courses in your search results, click the Show only blueprint courses option.

Lock/Unlock Course Objects
Within an individual blueprint course, you can lock and unlock course objects and sync content for the blueprint course. If you are not sure how objects were defined for the course, you can view them in the Course Settings Course Details tab. Attributes for locked objects may be changed in Course Settings at any time.
If you enroll an instructor in a blueprint course, the instructor can also lock and unlock course objects. By default, objects in blueprint courses are unlocked.
Visit How do I lock course objects in a blueprint course? for the steps to lock/unlock the course object.
Associating Courses to a Blueprint Course
Blueprint courses deliver course content through a course sync process. The first step to syncing content is to associate a course with the blueprint course. Associated courses must reside in the same or a lower sub-account than where the blueprint course resides. Content that can be managed by an instructor is not overwritten when the Blueprint Course is synced to associated courses, and new content that is added to any associated course is also not affected.
After a course is associated with a blueprint course, the initial sync of all course content will begin. You can choose to associate courses after all course content is created, or you can associate courses immediately and sync the blueprint course later when the blueprint content is complete.
Visit How do I associate a course with a blueprint course? for the steps to associate a course with a blueprint course.
Sync Blueprint Course Changes
When a course is first associated with a blueprint course, the associated courses are immediately synced. After the initial sync, changes must be synced to associated courses manually.
As a Faculty Director, you can sync blueprint content changes to associated courses. Additionally, any instructor who is enrolled in the blueprint course can also make changes and sync content to associated courses.
Visit How do I sync course content in a blueprint course? for the steps on syncing your Blueprint courses.
Disassociating Blueprint Courses from a Blueprint Course
When a course no longer needs to be associated with a blueprint course, you can remove the association. You will no longer be able to sync blueprint course changes after removing an association. Search for the blueprint course and follow the removal process under the Add Courses step from How do I associate a course with a blueprint course?.
When finished with the article, Faculty Directors can lock or unlock objects, associate a course with a blueprint course, sync changes to Blueprint courses, and disassociate a course from a blueprint course.
Further reading:
How do I lock course objects in a blueprint course?
How do I associate a course with a blueprint course?
How do I sync course content in a blueprint course?
How do I associate a course with a blueprint course?.
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