PSU Canvas: Adding New Users to a Course


This article will outline the process to have new users added to a PSU Canvas Course. This includes: students, teachers, GAs, TAs, observers, designers, or guest instructors.



Any request to add users to a PSU course as outlined in the following KB will be ultimately completed by the PSU Help Desk:

PSU Canvas: Canvas Roles & How to Give Users Access

  • Tickets created by the Office of Academic Affairs have been approved and can then be reassigned to Group: ET&S OBS - Help Desk (follow-up) for completion by the PSU Help Desk.
  • Tickets that come directly from Faculty for Instructor, Observer, GA, or TA role additions need to have the information in the above article (Course, Semester, Role requested). Once the ticket has that information, assign to group Group: ET&S OBS - Help Desk (follow-up) and the PSU Help Desk will email the Office of Academic Affairs using the ticket for approval before adding the role.
  • Requests for student role additions need to be approved by the Registrar's Office and can be queued to the Group: Shared Student for role addition. Note that the majority of student roles are assigned automatically through Banner and should not require additional assignment; however, auditing a class can require this type of request.


Further Readings

Canvas (myCourses) - Request Support

PSU Canvas: Canvas Roles & How to Give Users Access

Canvas PSU: Roles and User Access Process (ETS Internal) - instructions for ET&S staff


Need additional help?

Visit the Technology Help Desk Support page to locate your local campus contact information or to submit an online technology support request.  For password issues you must call or visit the Help Desk in person.