PSU Canvas: Adding New Users to a Course


This article will outline the process to have new users added to a PSU Canvas Course.  This includes: students, teachers, TAs, observers, designers or guest instructors


  • Any request to add users to a PSU course as outlined in the following KB will be ultimately completed by Application Admins:   Group: ET&S TLT - Academic Application Admin (Group)
  • PSU Canvas - Canvas Roles & How to Give Users Access
  • Tickets that get queued directly from Kristen Hersom have been approved and can then get reassigned to Group: ET&S TLT - Academic Application Admin (Group) for completion.
  • Tickets that come directly from Faculty should be replied to and reference the above KB, as they will need to communicate with Kristen or the PSU Help Desk before action by the Application Admins can be carried out.
  • Requests for Observers to be added to a course can be reassigned to Group: ET&S TLT - Academic Application Admin (Group) and they will verify the user and add them to the applicable course.


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Article ID: 4171
Thu 9/2/21 12:06 PM
Fri 7/12/24 11:39 AM
Applicable Institution(s):
Plymouth State University (PSU)