PSU, Course Evals (Blue) - Viewing Response Rate


This article includes instructions on how to view student response rates for Blue Course Evals. It also highlights some tips on how to increase response rates.



Viewing Response Rates

Throughout the duration of the survey including 10 days after surveys close, the instructor can view response rates. "Evaluation ends on" date is your student's deadline to fill out the survey. The "Changes allowed until" date shows how long you will be able to see the task for each course in your management area. PSU allows this task to continue showing for 10 days after the evaluations close so you can see your final response rate for evaluations. Since PSU does not allow changes (such as flexing the dates of the evals), this phrasing is a bit frustrating but we do not have control over that bit of text.

Tips for increasing response rate for In-Person or On-line Courses

Task: To view the response rates


Step 1 - Log in to Canvas.

Step 2 - Click on any course. It does not need to be the course you need to view since this feature will show all your courses being evaluated.

Step 3 - Click on Course Evals

NOTE: If you are unable to see this please view Managing the Course Menu

PSU Course Eval Reports menu with box around it


Step 4 - Click on Course Evaluation Tasks

Blue responce rate dashboard



You will be able to view the response rate through the Blue application


Tips for increasing response rates

Tips for increasing response rate for In-Person or On-line Courses

  1. Scheduling time during class is the best way to increase response rates. It is important to consider strategy when scheduling.
    • Scheduling time in the middle of class can capture the most student involvement
    • Schedule time on a day that has a quiz/test or other important activity
    • Communicate through a Canvas announcement as well on the syllabus so they are aware ahead of time
    • Remind students to bring a device (mobile or otherwise) to class so they can participate in the survey process
    • Ensure that all students have access to the survey
  2. Build buy-in - Explain to students why their feedback is important to you and how you use their feedback, specific examples are helpful
  3. Although students do get system reminders to do their surveys, it’s helpful to add personalized reminders
  4. Consider adding the survey as a calendar event to your Canvas course as an additional reminder for the students. For help adding these see How do I add an event to a course calendar? 
  5. Add Course Evaluation reminders in your weekly announcements
  6. Inform students about the purpose of evaluations
  7. Provide some examples of useful feedback
  8. Make it an assignment on the syllabus


Further Readings

Canvas: Managing the Course Menu

Canvas Community - How do I add an event to a course calendar? 

Users can always access their information directly from Blue: 


Need additional help?

Please fill out the Course Feedback webform with as much detail as possible, or contact the Technology Help Desk on your local campus.

For additional training please visit the Teaching and Learning Technologies Training Website.