Maple is a symbolic and numeric computing environment. This article describes the overview of Maple, and how to install it on Linux devices.
Task: To install Maple on your Linux devices
The UNIX version of Maple must be completely installed on your local workstation. It will, however, connect to a central server for licensing.
Step 1 - Connect to the repository for the installation files from UNH Maple. This folder is accessible to all UNH account holders, but you may have to login with your UNH username and password to gain access.
Step 2 - Open the folder for Maple Linux. The currently licensed version is: 2023.1
Step 4 - Download the installer:
Step 5 - Start the Installer:
exec ./
Step 6 - Follow the on-screen instructions.
Step 7 - When prompted, enter the install location for Maple. If you are creating a new directory, make sure that you have write access to the parent directory. We recommend, and these instructions will assume, you have installed maple to: /usr/local/maple
Step 8 - When asked to Choose the Licensing Type, select Network License. Then, in the next dialog, select Single Server.
Step 9 - Enter as the name of the license server. Leave the port number at 27000
Step 10 - You will then be asked to confirm your installation settings. Click "Install" to begin the installation
Starting Maple
Maple executables are in /usr/local/maple/bin . 'maple' is the text-only version, and 'xmaple' is available for xwindows systems. You might need to add /usr/local/maple/bin to your default or local PATH environments.
Using Maple
Because Maple much check out a license from the UNH license server each time it runs, you must be either on the UNH campus on a wired Ethernet connection or using the secure eduroam wireless network, or you must be connected to the USNH VPN service if using the software from off campus.
Additional Installation Assistance
If you are unable to install Maple on your workstation, visit the Maplesoft Customer Support Center . UNH IT is unable to offer support at this time.
Assistance With Maple
If you require assistance using Maple, you can get help from the following:
If you believe there is a problem with the UNH networked installation of Maple (application crashes frequently, portions appear to be missing, errors accessing the server), please report the problem to the Technology Help Desk.
Further Readings
Maple - Windows
Maple - MAC
Maple Web site – Maplesoft Support & Resources
Maple Manuals – Maplesoft Books
Maplesoft Customer Support Center