EAB Navigate360: Referrals

Tags referral


Referrals are a way to draw attention to a student.  Referrals can be positive or negative in nature.  Referral reasons are customized by your institution. Learn how to issue alerts/Referrals as well as report on students with issued alerts/referrals.



Task: Alerts and referrals are a way to draw attention to a student.  Alert and referral reasons are customized by your institution. Learn how to issue alerts or referrals as well as report on students with issued alerts or referrals.



Referrals can be issued throughout the platform, including your staff or professor homepage, a student’s profile page, the Advanced Search, and through Progress Reports. Referrals are viewed primarily on the student’s profile page, Professor Home, and in the Reporting section of the platform.  Referrals provide staff and faculty with the ability to draw attention to students or prompt a referral with another department using the platform.   The ability to create and view referrals is permission-based by user role.

Issuing a Referral from Student Profile:

  1. While on the student profile, on the right-hand side of the page, click Issue an Alert/Referral

Issuing a Referral from a Student List or Advanced Search:

  1. To issue a Referral from a list of students, such as Advanced Search results or your My Assigned Students pane on your home page, select a student from the list. Next, select Actions > Issue Alert/Referral.

  1. Selecting Issue an Alert/Referral opens the Alerts/Referrals dialog. Text boxes in the dialog are in the list that follows the screen shot.
    1. Referrals can be found under the Alert Reason and will start with "Referral:" then a reason.

  • Alert/Referral Reason:  Select at least one reason for issuing this alert/referral. Alert reasons are configured by your institution. They should be sorted by Care Units and then alphabetically within the Care Unit.
  • Association with Specific Course (Optional):  Select a course from the list if the alert is associated with a specific course the student is currently enrolled in.
  • Additional Comments:  Enter comments in this box. Staff and faculty with permission can view the alert and its comments. There is no character limit to this field.
  • At the very bottom the system will let you know the next actions the Alert/Referral will take once submitted

Alert/Referral Notifications

Students receive an email notification when an alert/referral has been issued for them.  The notification will let them know the expected steps they should take and provide additional information, as required. In some situations, staff can be notified as well when the alert/referral has been issued.  This is determined at the Alert settings level and configured based on the Care Units needs by the admin team.

Viewing Alerts/Referrals:

There are three ways to view issued alerts/referrals on a student through the Navigate platform – the Student Profile, the Professor Home page or Reports.

To view alerts/Referrals on the student profile, navigate to that student. On the right side of the profile, the total number of staff alerts/referrals for that student is listed at the top right. This count includes all Alerts, Referrals, Cases, and Progress Reports issued for the student. Based on your institution’s configurations, this count may include all issued alerts/referrals in the platform, or it may only include alerts issued in the current term.

NOTE: Because the total count includes all Alerts, Referrals, Cases, and Progress Reports, you may find duplicate information. For example, if one Progress Report issues one Alert/Referral, which in turn opens a Case, the total count will be three to include each of those actions, even though they all originated from the same Progress Report. Be mindful of what the total count means when using that information to inform student interactions or follow up.

To view additional information about the issued alerts/referrals, either click directly on the Alert/Referral hyperlink from the total count or navigate to the History or Reports/Notes tab of the student profile. Whether you can access the History or Reports/Notes tab depends on your institution’s configurations.  On this tab, you can see the Alerts/Refferals you have permission to see, either in the Alerts/Referral section or within the History feed. Please see the screen shots below.

NOTE:  If you are viewing the History feed but would instead like to view all Alerts/Referrals together, select the dropdown menu at the top of the History feed, and choose Alerts/Referrals for [Student’s Name]. This only shows the Alerts/Referrals section view.

Reporting on Alerts/Referrals

  1. To view information about alerts/referrals for several students at once, navigate to the Reports page. Based on your permissions, you may be able to view the Alerts/Referrals report, located in the Alerts & Cases report section.
  2. In the Alerts/referrals report, you can search by keyword, enrollment status, enrollment term, begin date, end date, alert reasons, case issuers, and other filters available in the Advanced Search. The report includes the following information: student ID, student name, majors, alert/referral reasons, created at, issued by, associated courses, and tags.  The report allows for the following actions from the drop down menu: send a message, tag, create appointment campaign, show/hide columns, and export to excel.



Users will now be able to issue alerts/referrals as needed as well as identify students with issues alerts/referrals using a variety of methods within the system.


Need additional help?

Please fill out the EAB (Navigate) web form with as much information as possible, or contact the ET&S Help Desk team on your local campus.

For additional Training please visit the Teaching and Learning Technologies Docs & Training Site

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Article ID: 4584
Fri 1/27/23 1:49 PM
Thu 3/7/24 10:32 AM
Applicable Institution(s):
Keene State College (KSC)
Plymouth State University (PSU)
University of New Hampshire (UNH)