SPSS: Fixing MacOS Sonoma "Server Login" Error

Tags macOS spss


After installing SPSS 29 on MacOS Sonoma (version 14) and completing the normal licensing process, SPSS does not launch successfully, displaying a "Server Login: Local Computer" window instead of SPSS, additional server settings must be applied. This article details how to resolve this error message.




MacOS Sonoma (version 14)



After installing SPSS 29 on MacOS Sonoma (version 14) and completing the normal licensing process, SPSS does not launch successfully, displaying a "Server Login: Local Computer" window instead of SPSS, additional server settings must be applied. See the screenshot below.

server error



IBM has released a workaround for this issue until they can update the installation files for SPSS itself. It consists of downloading a modified file and replacing the existing file in the SPSS app folder. Instructions for applying this workaround can be found below. 

Important: These instructions only apply for computers running the MacOS Sonoma (ver. 14), with SPSS 29 installed, and experiencing the "Server Login: Local Computer" behavior mentioned above.



Step 1 - Download the libplatdep.dylib file linked to the right as an Attachment on this page. Once downloaded, DO NOT open/run the file; keep following the steps below.

where to download


Step 2 - Open Finder and go to your Downloads folder. If you don't see a link to the Downloads folder on the left hand side, you can click Go at the very top of your screen, then click Downloads.


download folder OR go to download


Step 3 - Right-click on the libplatdeb.dylib file in your Downloads folder, then click Copy.

copy the file you just download


Step 4 - Close out of SPSS by right-clicking on the SPSS app in your dock, then clicking Quit.

exit spss  

exit spss


Step 5 - Open the SPSS lib folder. There are two methods for doing this:

Option A:   

  1. Open the "Go" menu in the top bar and select  "Go To Folder..."  
  2. Paste the following into the entry box:   /Applications/IBM SPSS Statistics/SPSS Statistics.app/Contents/lib/
    the file path
  3. Press Return (Enter) to open the SPSS Contents Library. 
  4. Skip to Step 9 below


Option B:

Open Finder and go to your Applications folder. If you don't see a link to the Applications folder on the left hand side, you can click Go at the very top of your screen, then click Applications. Continue with Steps 6-8 below.


applications OR go - applications


Step 6 - Open the IBM SPSS Statistics folder.

open the spss folder


Step 7 - Right-click on SPSS Statistics, then click Show Package Contents.

show package content


Step 8 - Open the Contents folder, then open the lib folder.

content folder  lib folder


Step 9 - Right-click (or Ctrl + click) on an empty space in this folder, then click Paste item. Alternatively, click Edit at the very top of your screen, then click Paste Item.

paste item OR another way to past item


Step 10 - Click Replace when prompted about there already being an existing file with that name.

click replace


Step 11 - Try running SPSS again and you should no longer see the Server Login message.



You should no longer see the Server Login message.


Further Readings

SPSS: Installing on MacOS

SPSS: Licensing



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