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- Knowledge Base
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- Help, Support, & Training
- Endpoint Management
This article is designed to outline the standard patch processes across USNH managed computers.
- Knowledge Base
- Technology
- Learning Tools & Services
- Kaltura
This article describes how to enable Privacy Settings for screen, camera, and microphone for Kaltura Capture on Mac OS.
- Knowledge Base
- Technology
- Help, Support, & Training
Your home page is the first page you see when you open your web browser. Whether you prefer a search engine, your favorite website, or a custom dashboard, setting your home screen allows you to personalize your browsing experience. This article details how to set Workday as the home page in Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, and Apple Safari for both Windows and MacOS users.
- Knowledge Base
- Technology
- Business Tools & Services
- Microsoft 365 (M365)
- Microsoft Teams
This article describes how to purge the Teams cache in both the Windows and Mac installed app. Sometimes you need to purge the contents of your cache to increase the speed of the application allowing the application to function properly.
- Knowledge Base
- Technology
- Business Tools & Services
- Central Printing
This article has instructions to set up PaperCut's Mobility Print on your personal devices or computers. Mobility Print is also an alternative for UNH-managed MacOS computers where you log into the computer with a local account name (like John Doe) that does not match your USNH username (like jbd2519).
After you set up Mobility Print on a device, then you can print to PaperCut printers from that device. Set up Mobility Print on each device from which you want to print.
- Knowledge Base
- Technology
- Help, Support, & Training
This article shows how to find your computer's IP address on a Windows or MacOS device.
- Knowledge Base
- Technology
- Help, Support, & Training
This article has instructions for how to find the device name on a Windows or MacOS device.
- Knowledge Base
- Technology
- Help, Support, & Training
Use Software Update to install software updates for MacOS and its built-in apps, including Safari. Also use Software Update to install operating system version upgrades when available.
Important: ET&S always recommends you do not store data locally on your computer and that you use OneDrive or another USNH network storage location to store your files so your data is backed up.
- Knowledge Base
- Technology
- Help, Support, & Training
Antivirus software is essential for securing your computer, institutional data, and personal information. For university and USNH grant-funded Windows and macOS systems, CrowdStrike Falcon is required. For personal devices, Microsoft Defender (for Windows) or Avira (for macOS) is strongly recommended. This article provides links to antivirus software for both institutional and personal devices within the USNH community
- Knowledge Base
- Technology
- Business Tools & Services
- Central Printing
This article has has step-by-step instructions for installing a Xerox network copier on a MacOS device including how to configure Xerox Accounting codes if your department has enabled this feature and issued you a code to use with a copier.
- Knowledge Base
- Technology
- Learning Tools & Services
- Knowledge Base
- Technology
- Help, Support, & Training
This article has some steps to try if your external monitors are not working.
- Knowledge Base
- Technology
- Help, Support, & Training
- Endpoint Management
This article explains how to use a secondary account's enhanced privileges to make changes on specific computers. See for steps to request a secondary account and permission to use it on specific computers. Once both those requests have been fulfilled, then you can use the instructions in this article.
- Knowledge Base
- Technology
- Business Tools & Services
- Microsoft 365 (M365)
- Microsoft 365 Software (Office)
This article provides instructions on how to install Microsoft Office 365 on a Mac operating system.
- Knowledge Base
- Technology
- Business Tools & Services
- Microsoft 365 (M365)
- Microsoft Outlook (Email)
This article details the troubleshooting steps to use if any features are unexpectedly grayed out in the Outlook Desktop App for MacOS.