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- Knowledge Base
- Technology
- Business Tools & Services
- Microsoft 365 (M365)
- Microsoft SharePoint
This article describes how to share files and folders on SharePoint.
- Knowledge Base
- Technology
- Servers, Data, Storage & Backups
- File Sharing and Storage (On-Premise)
This article provides the information needed to familiarize yourself with USNH IT data classifications and approved data storage locations.
- Knowledge Base
- Technology
- Business Tools & Services
- Microsoft 365 (M365)
- Microsoft SharePoint
This article provides instructions on how to use the manage access option to see what files/folders non-members of your SharePoint site are able to access. It includes instructions to manage non-member access.
- Knowledge Base
- Technology
- Business Tools & Services
- Microsoft 365 (M365)
- Microsoft SharePoint
This article provides information on the permissions inheritance hierarchy within SharePoint and how to plan your SharePoint site to ensure your information is secure.
- Knowledge Base
- Technology
- Business Tools & Services
- Microsoft 365 (M365)
- Microsoft SharePoint
This article explains how to enable anonymous file and folder sharing whether or not they have a Microsoft 365 subscription, or SharePoint account.
- Knowledge Base
- Technology
- Business Tools & Services
- Microsoft 365 (M365)
- Microsoft SharePoint
This article provides instructions to automatically upload your Microsoft Form responses to your SharePoint site using Power Automate.
- Knowledge Base
- Technology
- Business Tools & Services
- Microsoft 365 (M365)
- Microsoft SharePoint
This article explains how file/folder owners can modify access for those who you have already shared the files/folders with.
- Knowledge Base
- Technology
- Business Tools & Services
- Microsoft 365 (M365)
- Microsoft SharePoint
This article provides instructions for how the Owner of a SharePoint site can access the permissions page, break and restore inherited permissions, assign, edit, and remove unique permissions.
- Knowledge Base
- Technology
- Business Tools & Services
- Microsoft 365 (M365)
- Microsoft SharePoint
This article lists the Microsoft 365 Group names for each campus. Use the list to share your Microsoft Teams and SharePoint site with the appropriate group. This is how you can share your site with all users from a specific a campus or from multiple or all campuses.
- Knowledge Base
- Technology
- Business Tools & Services
- Microsoft 365 (M365)
- Microsoft SharePoint
This article explains how to delete a SharePoint site and how to restore a deleted SharePoint site.
- Knowledge Base
- Technology
- Business Tools & Services
- Microsoft 365 (M365)
- Microsoft SharePoint
This article provides instructions on how to create a manage a documentation library in SharePoint.
- Knowledge Base
- Technology
- Business Tools & Services
- Microsoft 365 (M365)
- Microsoft SharePoint
This article provides information on how to restore a SharePoint/Microsoft Teams document library that was deleted, overwritten, corrupted, or infected by malware by reversing all actions that occurred on both the files and the folders in the last 30 days.
- Knowledge Base
- Technology
- Business Tools & Services
- Microsoft 365 (M365)
- Microsoft SharePoint
This article provides instructions on how to access and log in to the Microsoft SharePoint application.
- Knowledge Base
- Technology
- Business Tools & Services
- Microsoft 365 (M365)
- Microsoft SharePoint
Summary: This article provides information about the purpose and type of information that is typically included in each of the two types of SharePoint sites, Communication site and Team site. It also includes the information needed to help you select the SharePoint site type that most meets your needs and instruction to create your own site. The article is intended for those who may be interested in creating a SharePoint site but need more information about available site types and their purpose
- Knowledge Base
- Technology
- Business Tools & Services
- Microsoft 365 (M365)
- Microsoft Forms
This article provides instructions on how to add a form to your SharePoint site to submit files and folders and upload them directly to a SharePoint site.