Employee Job and Position Changes

Effective 12/11/2023, this service request form is available for use by managers at UNH, and Keene State College ONLY at this time. 
Please submit a request only once all campus specific approvals have been secured and be prepared to attach documentation of all necessary approvals. Thank you.

For questions relative to campus specific approval processes, please reach out to your campus HR Partner:

  • For a list of HR Business Partners at UNH and their areas of responsibilities, please visit: https://www.unh.edu/hr/partners  
  • To connect with the campus HR team at Keene State College, please call (603) 358-2406 or email kscappt@keene.edu 
  • Plymouth State University is NOT currently using this request form, please connect with the campus HR Team at (603) 535-2250 or email psu-humanresources@plymouth.edu for assistance.

Use this service request to make changes to an employee’s job or position information, including Full Time Equivalent (FTE) changes, Job Location changes, Time Sheet Org (TS Org) changes, Contract/Appointment Date changes, and other such requests.  Any change that impacts budget, including an FTE change, requires approval in the form of an attachment to the request.  Please note: KSC employees shall be notified in writing of any permanent or major change in their regular work hours or FTE, normally thirty (30) business days in advance of the contemplated change.

  • FTE Changes: Please provide the new FTE and the employee’s new weekly schedule, including hours per day and days per week.  For hourly employees, please also provide the employee’s typical lunch break duration.  FTE changes require finance and management approval for budgetary impact. Please attach approval documentation.
  • Job Location Changes: Please provide the new job location.
  • TS Org Changes: Please provide the new Time Sheet Org.  Please attach approval from Finance.
  • Contract/Appointment Date Changes: Please provide the new dates and the employee’s weekly schedule, including hours per day and days per week.  If the adjustment in contract dates changes the FTE, HR may follow up with Finance to ensure the adjustment has been budgeted accordingly.  Contract/appointment dates should generally align with pay period dates; HR will follow up if necessary.
  • Other Changes: Please provide as much information as you suspect is needed.  HR will follow up if necessary, and update this list with guidance.
  • Bulk Updates: If making bulk updates, you may enter a single request and attach an Excel spreadsheet to the request with all employees seeing a change.  Please provide the relevant information above as applicable to your request.  HR will follow up if additional information is needed.
Submit a Request

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Service ID: 518
Thu 7/22/21 10:22 AM
Mon 12/11/23 1:31 PM