As announced by the Chancellor in September with full support of the Presidents, the transition to Workday requires us to pause some business processes. These pauses begin on different dates for different types of transactions, staggered to best meet our ongoing business needs while balancing our need to reduce transactions during this transition.
Effective 11/22/2024, this TDx ticket for ad-hoc Supervisor Updates will be disabled. This does not prevent temporary time approvers being assigned to accommodate former managers who terminate or resign during the pause. In Workday, moving workers among Supervisory Orgs will be accomplished through Change Job. Please attend the appropriate training to learn more. Please visit the USNH Workday Resources SharePoint for more details and training opportunities.
Effective 12/11/2023 this service request form is available for use by managers at UNH and Keene State College ONLY at this time.
To update an employee’s Supervisor and/or Time Approver, complete this form. Only full time status employees can be designated as a supervisor or time approver.
USNH defines an employee's Supervisor as the person responsible for completing performance reviews and who generally retains the authority for hiring related decisions. For example, this is who is listed on the position description within PeopleAdmin.
An employee's Time Approver is held responsible for approving timecards and time off requests within UKG/Kronos and works with the employee on a regular basis, providing day-to-day guidance. In general an employee's Supervisor and Time Approver should be the same person.
Please note: When the ticket is processed, the Time Approver changes will be reflected in UKG/Kronos as of the pay period requested. The Supervisor Changes will impact PeopleAdmin and Microsoft 365 applications immediately.
Bulk Updates: For bulk updates (due to long-term vacancies or restructuring), please complete the request form for one employee, and attach a completed Supervisor Update Template Excel spreadsheet. You can find the template below on the right.
For assistance or additional guidance, please contact your campus HR Partner:
- For a list of HR Business Partners at UNH and their areas of responsibilities, please visit:
- To connect with the campus HR team at Keene State College, please call (603) 358-2406 or email
- Plymouth State University is NOT currently using this request form, please connect with the campus HR Team at (603) 535-2250 or email for assistance.