Paul College Academic Administrative Support Services

  • PRINTING SERVICES : This form is for the sole use of Paul College faculty to submit and track progress to completion requests that can be standardized, are CONFIDENTIAL in nature and can only be handled by an academic administrator directly. If your request includes anything non-confidential, such as handouts, scantrons or other non-confidential materials for printing, please use the form specified for NON-CONFIDENTIAL PRINTING REQUESTS, which will be handled by an approved student worker. Using this form for a request outside the scope of this form may result in delayed response and/or resolution for your request!
    • Confidential Requests include:
      • Exams (single or multiple versions)
      • Quizzes
      • Exam support materials (i.e. articles relating specifically to testing)


  • SPACE/MEETING NEEDS: This form is for the sole use of Paul College faculty to submit and track progress to completion requests that can be standardized and are related to reserving space for accommodations, make-up exams, department meetings, student meetings, committee meetings, or other room requests that are NOT LARGE-SCALE EVENT RELATED.  Do not use this form for requesting flagship/recurring event space, as this will require a specific meeting with an administrator.  Using this form for a request outside the scope of this form may result in delayed response and/or resolution for your request!
    • Non-Event Room Requests include requests for:
      • Visiting scholars (for talks, conference or temp office space)
      • Department Meetings
      • Committee Meetings
      • Make-up or accommodated exams
      • Student group needs
      • Project space (i.e., MS students requiring group space)


  • MARKETING/CREATIVE REQUESTS This form is for the sole use of Paul College faculty to submit and track progress to completion requests that can be standardized and are MARKETING or CREATIVE in nature and primarily positioned for the internal audience (PAUL COLLEGE community). If your request includes anything that may be considered promotional material for an external audience (such as recruiting pamphlets, brochures, social media or other externally facing channel), please use this form and select “Potential External Resources”, which will direct you to a member of the administrative staff for further discussion. NOTE: This form is NOT for complete large scale event collateral, content creation or production. For that, please send an email to the Academic Support Team HERE. Using this form for a request outside the scope of this form may result in delayed response and/or resolution for your request!
    • Marketing/Creative Requests include:
      • Internal Course marketing
        • Digital Slide production and submission for approval and scheduling
        • Flyer printing/distribution
        • Deck slide for faculty cross-promotion
      • Internal event marketing
      • Internal program/option materials (ASVD, Open house materials)
      • Potential External resources (request to partner with Paul College MarCom group)


Request Printing Services Space/Meeting needs Submit PCard Document Event Coordination Meeting Marketing/Creative


Service ID: 609
Tue 5/7/24 1:42 PM
Tue 9/3/24 1:15 PM

Service Offerings (5)

PCard Document Submission
This form is for the sole use of Paul College faculty to submit and track progress to completion expense-related submissions (such as Dept. PCard receipt submission, conference travel reimbursements, recruiting meals, etc.) *Do not use this form for any personal PCard reconciliation.
Event Coordination Meeting Request
This form is for the sole use of Paul College faculty to submit and track progress to completion event coordination needs (on campus events, off campus events, student org events, student org travel, course events, etc.) that require administrator involvement.