Secondary Account/Administrative Privileges

If you require administrative privileges on multiple USNH-managed workstations (such as in a lab or a library), you will need to request a secondary account that will be used EXCLUSIVELY for administrative purposes on specified devices. Administrative privileges will allow you to install, update, and manage software relevant to your academic or business requirements independently, but the computers will still be subject to configuration and security oversight by Enterprise Technology & Services.

In this request form, you will need to identify each workstation by device name, so that ET&S can establish administrative privileges for your secondary account on those devices specifically. You may also upload a list of devices using the Attachment field.

You will also need to provide a description of the devices and what their purpose is, along with a detailed description of the justification/business need for you to have administrative control.

Once this form is submitted, your supervisor will be notified and will have to review and approve the request before it can be processed by ET&S. You will be notified once your request has been completed. If you require additional information on using your secondary account, please review this IT Knowledge Base article.

Activity on your secondary account will be subject to elevated scrutiny by the ET&S Cybersecurity department, due to the elevated risk posed by compromise or misuse of the account. All activity that does not require administrative privileges shall continue to be conducted strictly on your primary account. If you are found to be using your administrative privileges inappropriately or in a way that is not in line with your stated business justification, ET&S reserves the right to lock or remove your secondary account at their discretion.

Request Service


Service ID: 614
Mon 7/29/24 4:12 PM
Mon 7/29/24 4:12 PM