AVST: Requesting a new UNH voicemail account


This article shows how to request a new UNH voicemail account. A new UNH voicemail account request can be submitted once your department Telecom Account Manager (TAM) notifies you that a phone has been assigned to you and this request form is now available.



Task: To request a new UNH AVST voicemail account


Step 1Go to the Telecom website: https://telecom.usnh.edu/apps/summit?action=voicemailRequest 

Step 2Login with your AD credentials - confirm your contact information, if prompted.

Step 3 - Once you have been notified that your new voicemail account is set up -- refer to the article "How do I setup my new mailbox for AVST voicemail?" and follow the instructions to activate your new mailbox for AVST voicemail.

For assistance completing the request form, contact the Technology Help Desk.



You should be able to request a new voicemail account.


Further Readings

How do I setup my new mailbox for AVST voicemail?



Need additional help?

Visit the Technology Help Desk Support page to locate your local campus contact information or to submit an online technology support request.  For password issues you must call or visit the Help Desk in person.