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This article shows how to request a new UNH voicemail account. A new UNH voicemail account request can be submitted once your department Telecom Account Manager (TAM) notifies you that a phone has been assigned to you and this request form is now available.
This article displays how to record a standard greeting or name in the UNH AVST Voicemail system.
If your AVST UNH Voicemail account says it is "locked", you can unlock it by resetting your voicemail password. This article contains instructions on how to reset your password for an individual UNH AVST voicemail account or group account that you control. An AVST self-service password reset tool is available on the Home Page of the Telecom website.
This article shows how to complete the voicemail setup process, reset your voicemail password, and explains why you have to change your security code twice to access features of your UNH AVST voicemail account.
This article shows how to set up your new mailbox for UNH AVST voicemail.
This article shows how to request Speech-to-Text transcriptions on your UNH AVST voicemail through the Telecom website.
This article tells you where to learn more about navigating the UNH AVST Voicemail phone interface.
This article holds information about voicemail/email integration in UNH AVST voicemail and address concerns about personally identifiable information.
This article contains information about the security code requirements for UNH AVST voicemail.
This article shows where to learn more about UNH AVST voicemail.
This article shows to how receive UNH AVST voicemail transcriptions in your inbox instead of your Junk Mail folder. AVST transcriptions are handled by a 3rd party and come to your account via a separate email. Some users are reporting they are seeing these emails in their Junk Mail folder.
This article shows how to reset your PIN for UNH AVST voicemail for an individual account or a group account that you control.
This article walks through how to request speech-to-text voicemail transcriptions in UNH AVST voicemail be delivered to your email address.
This article contains how to record an out-of-office greeting in the UNH AVST Voicemail system.