UNH Central Printing: Installing a network printer on MacOS


This article has has step-by-step instructions for installing a Xerox network copier on a MacOS device including how to configure Xerox Accounting codes if your department has enabled this feature and issued you a code to use with a copier.


Before you begin

Get the required information 

In order to install a network copier on a Mac you need the following information about your computer and the copier: the version of MacOS installed and the model of the copier. You will also need the following information from your department prior to installing the copier: the copier IP address, whether accounting codes are turned on, and if so which accounting code(s) you are authorized to use.

Make sure you have network access to the copier during the installation

The Xerox driver communicates directly with the copier to determine the appropriate settings to use for that particular device. If you are installing the copier from a remote location, connection to the VPN is mandatory. If you are installing the copier from an on-campus location, connection to the VPN provides the most reliable installation.


  1. Install the Xerox Print Drivers, if needed
  2. Create the Print Queue
  3. Create an Accounting Code Preset, if required by your printer/copier
  4. Testing the New Print Queue



Task 1: Install the Xerox Print Drivers, if needed
Option A - If your USNH-owned Mac has the Self Service App

Note: You only need to install the drivers once on your device, and if you have done so within the past 90 days you may skip this task and jump ahead to Task 2.


Step 1 - Open Self Service

Step 2 - Search for "Xerox" to find the Xerox drivers

Self Service menu with "xerox" in the search box

Step 3 - Click "Install" and Self Service will install the drivers.



The latest version of Xerox Print Drivers has been installed on your Mac computer.  Proceed to Task 2.

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Task 1: Install the Xerox Print Drivers, if needed
Option B - Manual Installation - If your Mac does not have the Self Service App

Note: You only need to install the drivers once on your device, and if you have done so within the past 90 days you may skip this task and jump ahead to Task 2.


ImportantManual installation requires administrative access and may require additional assistance.

Step 1 - Using Safari or Google Chrome go to https://www.support.xerox.com/ and search on the copier model in the search field.  This page will not work in Firefox.

xerox page


Step 2 - Choose the "Drivers and Downloads" search result

A image highlight the driver


Step 3 - Make sure the "Platform" drop-down menu has the version of MacOS that matches the version installed on your device and choose "Apply Filters"

red box highlights the platform


Step 4 - For the search result "macOS Print and Scan Driver Installer", agree to the terms and conditions and choose "Download" to download the installer

a image of driver descrption


Step 5 - Navigate to your downloads folder, open the downloaded .dmg file, then open the .pkg file.

a image describe the .pkg file


Step 6 - Continue through the installer steps until the 'Select Printer' section. The print queue will be created in a subsequent step so choose "Don't See Your Printer?"

mac's installation page


Step 7 - Leave printer's network address showing "IP or Host Name" and choose "Continue"

a red box highlights the ip or host name


Step 8 - Dismiss the warning "Print Queue Not Created" by choosing "Continue"


Step 9 - Continue through the installer steps until complete.



The latest version of Xerox Print Drivers has been installed on your Mac computer. Proceed to Task 2.

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Task 2: Create the Print Queue


Step 1 - Open System Preferences and choose Printers and Scanners. Click the plus button to add a new printer.

a image show the printers and scanners


Step 2 - Choose the middle "world" icon to add a network printer.

a image shows the world icon


Step 3 - Enter the IP address you received from your department in the address field. Leave the defaults for protocol (LPD) and queue (blank).

a image show the add printer page


Step 4 - Optional fill in the name and location fields if you find that helpful.

Step 5 - From the "Use" drop-down change "Generic Postscript Printer" to "Select Software..."

a image of the drop down list


Step 6 - A new window will open up listing the available printer drivers. Hint type the model number in the upper right search filter to narrow down the choices. Select the model that most closely matches the printer model and choose "OK"

a image show how to search the modle


Step 7 - Choose "Add" to add the printer

add a printer

The final outcome of how to add a printer



You have successfully added a printer to your Mac computer.

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Task 3: Create an Accounting Code Preset, if required by your printer/copier

Note: If your printer/copier does not require accounting codes, you may skip this section and jump ahead to Task 4.


If you regularly use multiple codes to bill against different grants or projects you may create a preset for each code by repeating this section.

Step 1 - Open the Safari browser from Applications. The preset you create using Safari will be available in other applications.

Step 2 - Choose File | Print from the menu to display the print screen. Select the printer you created in the previous section from the printer drop-down.

a image shows where to select printer


Step 3 - You may need to click the "Show Details" button to reveal the "Safari" drop-down.

a image shows what happened after click show details


Step 4 - Change the "Safari" drop-down to "Xerox Features" which will reveal additional options including a drop-down with "Paper/Output" immediately below "Xerox Features"

config settings


Step 5 - Change the "Paper/Output" drop down to "Advanced"

paper/output feature


Step 6 - Choose the "Accounting..." button next to the "Configuration" heading

select accounting


Step 7 - The "Accounting System" should already have the correct accounting method selected if the computer and copier are communicating correctly. If "None" is selected and you are sure codes are required, choose either "Xerox Standard Accounting" or "Charge Me" accounting.

accounting page


Step 8 - Enter the code provided by your department for "Default User ID". This is typically a 4 or more digit code--it is not your username or your password for accessing your computer or other systems. Hint If you have to enter a numerical code to make copies at this device, that is most often the same code you use here.

Step 9 - Leave the other items as their defaults and choose "OK"

Step 10 - Back at the print screen, change the Presets drop-down from "Default Settings" or "Last Used Settings" to "Save Current Settings as Preset"

a image of print screen


Step 11 - Type in a name for the preset. "Xerox with Code" is frequently used. If you intend to make presets for multiple codes, choose a name that allows you to easily tell them apart.

Step 12 - Change "Preset Available For" from the default "Only this printer" to "All printers". That makes the preset available if you have to remove and add the printer again to your computer.

a name of the printer


Step 13 - Choose "OK" to continue. At this point you can repeat steps 4-13 to add additional accounting code presets, choose print to print the document as a test, or cancel to test later or with another program.

a final outcome of config print settings



You have successfully created an Accounting Code Preset.

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Task 4: Testing the New Print Queue


Step 1 - Open the Application you wish to test with such as Word.

Step 2 - With a document open, choose File | Print

Step 3 - Select the print queue you created in the earlier section

Step 4 - If you created an accounting preset in the previous section, select it from the drop-down

select an accounting preset


Step 5 - Note that some software uses a customized print screen that hides the preset options and requires an extra step to use accounting presets.

See details below for Chrome and Adobe Acrobat.

Step 5a - In Chrome, you can access the system print screen by choosing "More Settings" which will reveal "Print using system dialog..."

print settings for chrome

print setting for chrome. 2


Step 5b -In Adobe Acrobat, the system print screen is hidden behind the "Printer..." button. This button displays a warning. After choosing "Continue", the system print screen will become available. Note you will need to choose the "Print" button twice: once from the system print screen, and again in Acrobat.

acrobat print setting

acrobat warning

choose print in acrobat

Step 6 - Choose Print to print your test document. If the code pop-up appears, choose OK to continue.

print using your accounting



You have successfully tested the new print queue.

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Need additional help?

Use the “Request Printer Help” button on the Central Printing Service page to submit a support request with as much detail as possible, or contact the Technology Help Desk team on your local campus. For password issues you must call or visit the Help Desk in person.

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Article ID: 3199
Wed 12/2/20 3:59 PM
Fri 6/28/24 3:38 PM
Applicable Institution(s):
University of New Hampshire (UNH)
USNH System Office