PSU Taskstream: Mentor Teaching Account Activation and Evaluations

Task: This reviews how to use Taskstream for the purpose of TCAP Final Submission


Getting to the Evaluation Screen in Taskstream

When you log in, you should see a box with the program or programs with which you're associated. It looks something like this:

Click on the title

In your next screen, you can either choose to type in your student’s name in the box, or just click on Continue at the bottom of that screen.


This should bring you to a similar screen with your student’s name. Click on the evaluate button for the assessment that you want to score.

Click on the blue SCORE WORK radio button in the upper left corner.

Score work in Taskstream

Evaluating Work 

When items are ready to be evaluated, you can access them by clicking the Evaluate button.

To access the evaluation for the work, click Score Work. Depending on the setup of the DRF program, your evaluation type may differ. Evaluation methods in Taskstream include: pass/fail, meets/does not meet requirement, a write in score, an evaluation form, and/or a rubric.

Score Work Taskstrea

If you need to immediately unlock the author’s work without an evaluation, click Send Back to Author.

Using a Rubric

For each Rubric Criterion, enter the appropriate score. Evaluators can select the score by hovering over or clicking the score tile. If the rubric is set up to allow fractional scores, then evaluators can select a fractional score by using the slide bar.

(Based on the evaluation method selected, you may see a different screen)

Rubric view Taskstream


Evaluators have the optional ability to add a file to their evaluations. The file can be shared with the Authors and become a permanent part of the evaluation history and reports. The file size is limited to 5 MB, but NOT limited to any one format.

Adding a File

To add a file, In the Evaluation page, click Browse. The Browse File pop-up window loads.

Locate your file and click Open. The file populates the file field in the evaluation page.

In the Name field, enter a meaningful description (maximum 100 characters). If you do not enter a name, the file name displays as the default.

(Optional) To hide the file from the Author, uncheck Visible to Author.

Adding a file to Taskstream


From the bottom of the rubric, select one of the three Next Steps and click Submit Evaluation Now.

Submit Evaluation Taskstream



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Article ID: 4263
Wed 11/3/21 3:29 PM
Wed 5/1/24 4:46 PM
Applicable Institution(s):
Plymouth State University (PSU)