EAB Navigate360: Activity Analytics

Tags analytics
Task: Learn how to access and navigate the Activity Analytics reports within EAB


  1. Navigate to the Analytics area of the application by using the navigation bar on the left side of EAB navigate
  2. Under Activity Analytics, click on Activity Dashboard
  3. There are 2 tabs at the top of the screen that allow users to see information on Appointment Attendance and Communication through the EAB Navigate system

Activity Dashboard

Appointment Attendance Dashboard:

User filters on the left side of the screen to narrow the focus of the information displayed. 

  1. Appointments and Students: The total counts of appointments and distinct students are displayed regardless of attendances. This dashboard now includes kiosk visits, so the appointment and student numbers may not match those in the appointment report.
  2. Attendance Categories:  "Scheduled" and "Drop-In" include attendances that have not been marked Canceled or No-Show on the evaluation.  Note: Canceled and No-Show attendances may not be mutually exclusive, so an attendance could appear in both categories.
  3. Attended:  This area displays information in graph format based on Scheduled and Dropin appointments.  Information in these graphs can be downloaded by moving your mouse curser over one of the graphs to reveal the 3 ellipsis icon

  1. Attendance Heat Map by Day and Month as well as Day and Hour. Heat Maps include attendance for both "Scheduled" and "Drop-In" appointments. Darker shades correspond to higher values
  2. Did Not Attend graphs show Data sent by your institution (e.g., SIS data) will typically update in the dashboard within two business days. Data generated within Navigate (e.g., appointments, summaries, etc.) will typically update in the dashboard within one business day. Exceptions may occur


This area allows users to see information pertaining to messages sent through the EAB Application based on totals, Top 10 Staff Communicators and Top 10 Most Contacted Students. Users can use filters on the left side to narrow down areas of focus. 

Activity Reports

Activity Reports allow users to see information pertaining to appointments made through the EAB Navigate system. 

  1. There are several tabs across the top that breakout information based on different criteria. 

  2. As with other dashboards, this information can be narrowed by using filters on the left hand side of the page.

  3. Any of the columns can be sorted Ascending or Descending by clicking on the column header.


Users will be able to find and filter the information they need based on appointment information within the system.

Further reading:

EAB: Navigate - Population Health Analytics Overview

EAB: Navigate - Analytics - Student Information Reports

Need additional help?

Please fill out the EAB (Navigate) web form with as much information as possible, or contact the Technology Help Desk on your local campus.

For additional Training please visit the TLT Docs & Training site.

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Article ID: 4392
Tue 5/3/22 11:07 AM
Thu 4/4/24 12:24 PM
Applicable Institution(s):
Keene State College (KSC)
Plymouth State University (PSU)
University of New Hampshire (UNH)