Student Experience of Learning (SEL) Survey (Blue) - Faculty Question Personalization (QP)

Task: Faculty have the ability to add custom questions to their surveys for students, this article will explain how


Faculty are able to add up to 5 customized questions total.  This can be 5 open ended questions or 5 likert scale question or a mix of both, but a total of 5.  Question types are fixed meaning they can't be changed from a likert scale to a written text question. 

Faculty Custom Questions can only be completed during the 7 day period before surveys are released to students.  Faculty will receive an email from the Blue Admins alerting them that the period has started and faculty should review their courses, surveys and add any questions at this time.  Once surveys are open to students no changes can be made.

Customizing Question Types:

  1. Click on the Blue SEL Survey menu item in Canvas, this will direct you into the Blue browser based application (SEL Survey stands for Student Experiences of Learning Survey)
  2. Choose 'Instructor' from the Blue log in screen if prompted
  3. Instructors can customize questions for each of their course. To begin, Click on a course that has the following Edit Icon   and states "Create Custom Questions for..."
  4. Here, you will see the full SEL survey for your students:
    1. The first section will be the 7 standard questions for all courses as provided by the institution
    2. Customizable Questions is where you will be able to manipulate and add custom questions by type. Free Form, Likert "Agree", Likert "Y/N"

  1. Sections can be expanded or collapsed by clicking on the caret to the left of the section name
  2. To customize a question, expand a section, by clicking the caret, then select a question to customize, select Customize (as shown below)

  1. Once complete, simply use the X in the upper right to close the window to save
  2. You now see your custom questions, they are automatically set to "Include" in the question set for the survey.  You can always, select Exclude if you choose.

  1. Continue to add questions to each section, as needed.  Remember you can only add 5 total custom questions to the survey.  They can be all of one type or a mix of each type, again no more than 5 total.
  2. Once you have included the questions needed, use the Submit icon in the upper right to add the selected items to that course's survey.  if you would like the same questions for each of your courses, you need to click into each course to submit the same questions.

Previewing new question as part of the survey:

  1. Select Preview at the top of the page, this will open the survey as it will appear to your students from within Blue.  Custom questions will reside at the end of the survey, you can click Next through the pages to see your questions.

Editing Questions:

  1. To edit any customized questions, you will need to navigate back to the browser tab for question personalization and select Update at the top right. 
  2. Manipulate the question
  3. Close the question box using the "X"
  4. Select Update in the upper right to commit your changes


Faculty can now update their surveys to contain questions that are Course specific.

Need additional help?

Please fill out this Course Feedback webform with as much detail as possible, or contact the ET&S Help Desk team on your local campus.

For additional Training please visit the Teaching and Learning Technologies Training Calendar.

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Article ID: 4475
Tue 8/9/22 2:01 PM
Tue 1/9/24 2:24 PM
Applicable Institution(s):
University of New Hampshire (UNH)