Canvas: New Gradebook appearance and new enhanced filter


This article describes the new gradebook design and the enhanced gradebook filter.  The gradebook features previous found on the left View list have been moved to the gradebook settings under the Cog Wheel. The enhanced gradebook filter allows for customizing filters and saving them to reuse.  


Gradebook Updates

New Gradebook Design

Most of the menu options are now to the right side of the gradebook located under the Cog Wheel with the exception of the Import/Export and Sync grades to SIS which have their own button.

  1. Select the Cog Wheel to expand the fly-out window.
  2. Select the View Options.
  3. Arrange By:  Click the drop down to select an option to arrange the order of the columns.  (Select Apply Settings to update the gradebook)
  4. Show:
    1. Notes: Check the box to add a Notes columns to the gradebook.
    2. Unpublished Assignments: When checked allows Unpublished Assessments show in the gradebook.
    3. Split Student Names:  When checked the first and last name will appear in separate columns.
    4. Hide Assignment Group Totals:   Hides the columns in the teacher view of the gradebook only.  This does not hide the columns from the students.
    5. Hide Total and Override Columns: Hides the columns in the teacher view of the gradebook only.  This does not hide the columns from the students.
    6. View Ungraded as 0:   View the grade calculations as though the student has received a Zero for ungraded assessments.
  5. Status Color:  Shows the status color in the gradebook. Use the Pencil icon to change the color of the status.

Under the Cog Wheel, in View Options 


Enhanced Gradebook Filter

The enhanced gradebook filter, which is found on the left side of the Gradebook, allows for creating filters to reuse during the semester.   One filter can not contain multiple conditions of the same type to display at the same time.   Multiple filters can be used at the same time to create different filtered results.

Instructions to use pre-filters

  1. Under Filters select the desired heading to view additional options to filter the gradebook.

Instructions to create a custom filter:

  1. To create a new filter, select the Apply Filters option. 
  2. In the Create & Manage Filter Presets view, select Create Filter Preset.
  3. Enter your filter name in the Filter Preset name field.
  4. Select the filter details to apply to the filter. 
  5. Select Save Filter Preset to save the filter to use as needed. 
  6. The saved filter will show up under the Apply Filters option.  Non-enhanced filters are still available to select from the filter list.

For more details see the Canvas Guide How do I create a filter in Enhanced Gradebook Filters?

Link to video 

Click on the link below to view a demonstration on how to set up and use the Enhanced Gradebook Filters. 

Enhanced Gradebook Filters Feature Overview Video




Further Readings

How to view total scores if all ungraded assignments were given zero grades?

How do I create a filter in Enhanced Gradebook Filters?

How do I use Enhanced Gradebook Filters?



Need additional help?


Visit the ET&S Help Desk Support page to locate your local campus contact information or to submit an online technology support request.  For password issues you must call or visit the Help Desk in person.  



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Article ID: 4524
Wed 10/26/22 8:56 AM
Thu 8/1/24 3:05 PM
Applicable Institution(s):
Keene State College (KSC)
Plymouth State University (PSU)
University of New Hampshire (UNH)