UNH Durham, Manchester, and CPSO faculty have the ability to request comments to be redacted from their SEL reports. Faculty that feel specific comments should be removed can make a request to Academic Affairs to have this approved and removed.
Task: When a faculty member identifies a comment that they feel needs to be redacted from a survey, they can fill out a Qualtrics Survey to start the process.
Faculty have a 2 week window from the time survey reports are released to identify any comments that they would like redacted. A Qualtrics survey with specific information is filled out and submitted by the faculty. This needs to be approved by members from Academic Affairs. Academic Affairs has a 7 day window to make an Approval. Once approved, administrators will go into the Blue application and remove the identified comment. This process can take up to 4 weeks to accomplish based on the timing of submissions and approvals.
UNH Redaction Policy the document is attached to this article as well.
Step 1 - Use the following Link to access the Qualtrics Survey:
Step 2 - Following instructions in Qualtrics Survey: Enter the specific content you would like reviewed for possible redaction.
- For multiple redaction requests, add several spaces between each and label (Comment 1, Comment 2).
Step 3 - Complete the remaining aspects of the survey and Submit.
The survey will then go to Academic Affairs to be approved, this can take up to 7 days.
Once approved, Academic Affairs will provide this information to our Application Administrators in order to have the comments removed from Blue. This can take up to 7 days.
Users now have the information needed to have comments redacted from their SEL
Further Resources:
UNH Student Experiences of Learning (SEL) Survey
Student Experiences of Learning Survey (UNH-D, UNH-M) - Important Dates
Need additional help?
Please fill out the Student Experiences of Learning Webform with as much detail as possible, or contact the ET&S Help Desk team on your local campus.
For additional Training please visit the Teaching and Learning Technologies Training Website.