USNH SEED Requests: Accepted Equipment List & Disposal Guide


This article contains guidance on submitting requests for Secure Electronical Equipment Disposal (SEED) at USNH.



Note: To request review and approval of your SEED equipment, please fill out the SEED Request Form.


Decision Guide

Not sure if your electronic equipment can be placed in a dumpster or if it should go through SEED? What do you do if you need help with equipment that may contain hazardous materials? Use the Decision Guide to determine if you should use SEED to dispose of your surplus electronic equipment.


Accepted Equipment List

The Accepted Equipment List shows electronic equipment that can be disposed via the SEED program. If you have checked the list and still have questions as to whether a particular piece of equipment qualifies for the SEED program, contact the IT Help Desk at your institution, or go to the USNH IT Depot website. Use the USNH Surplus website for disposal of non-electronic equipment such as furniture or vehicles.


Data Destruction

The USNH SEED recycling vendor is certified in endpoint data protection and drive wiping to meet the requirements of USNH policy so that the computer owner need not wipe prior to equipment disposal.

Data is handled under strict compliance guidelines set by NIST and DOD standards. All data remaining on devices turned over to SEED is destroyed through sanitization or physical destruction methods which conform to R2 and RIOS certification standards.


Hazardous Materials

SEED cannot accept electronic equipment which contains non-removable liquids, refrigerants, or hazardous or radioactive materials.

  • If your equipment contains liquids or refrigerant, contact Facilities for assistance with disposal
  • If the equipment contains hazardous or radioactive materials, contact the Office of Environmental Health & Safety.
  • SEED cannot accept loose lead-acid batteries for UPS or other devices; contact your Office of Environmental Health & Safety for disposal. Lead-acid batteries are accepted when installed in the device.


Heavy and Large Equipment

If you have an item of electronic equipment for disposal which you cannot move or transport safely because of its size and/or weight, you can contact Facilities for assistance. Equipment for Facilities pickup must be registered with, and accepted by, the SEED program prior to arranging for pickup. Facilities does charge a fee for the pickup service which is the responsibility of the equipment owner/requester.

To arrange a SEED pickup, contact Facilities at your institution.


Leaking Printers

When bringing printers to a SEED collection, please check if any of your printers is leaking ink, an example of which is shown in the photo. 

If a printer is leaking ink, it must be packaged in a plastic bag, such as a kitchen trash bag or contractor's bag, to ensure personnel or equipment handling the items are not stained or damaged by ink (the vehicle you transport the equipment in may also be damaged!). USNH ET&S is not able to provide bags at the collection.


Further Readings

SEED Request Form

Decision Guide - also attached to this article

Accepted Equipment List - also attached to this article

USNH Surplus 

USNH IT Depot 


Need additional help?

Visit the Technology Help Desk Support page to locate your local campus contact information or to submit an online technology support request.

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Article ID: 675
Fri 7/19/19 5:31 PM
Wed 7/24/24 10:42 AM
Applicable Institution(s):
Keene State College (KSC)
Plymouth State University (PSU)
University of New Hampshire (UNH)
USNH System Office