Technology Selection and Purchase

The Technology Selection and Purchase process helps connect your business or teaching needs with existing technology solutions, saving your department time and resources. Additionally, ET&S is available to consult regarding new technology needs for business and teaching. To initiate a request to acquire technology (whether it is free or requires purchase), request a consultation, or simply to ask a question about the process, submit a request. 

Note: For computer purchases, contact Desktop Support.

Want to learn more? For FAQs and an overview of the Technology Selection and Purchase process, visit our Knowledge Base.

Submit a Request


Service ID: 387
Tue 3/12/19 1:42 PM
Wed 9/11/24 7:41 PM
Available At:
Granite State College (GSC)
Keene State College (KSC)
Plymouth State University (PSU)
University of New Hampshire (UNH)
USNH System Office