PSU & UNH: Blue - Student Experiences of Learning Dashboard


This article is intended for Department Chairs, Deans, and staff that specifically support individuals in gathering data for academic department reviews or other teaching initiatives. It describes the process of obtaining aggregated teaching evaluation data for current and historical data. Please note, the data in this report is current up to 2021 and it is no longer maintained.



Accessing Reports

Task: To access Student Experiences of Learning Reports


Step 1 - To access the public report!/vizhome/UNHStudentTeacherEvaluations/TeachingEvaluations  The dashboard displays summarized UNH Student Survey of Teaching Data by Academic Year. Courses with no college designated are excluded. Please note, the data in this report is current up to 2021 and it is no longer maintained.

Displays include:

  • A table that provides a summary count of all courses, invites, respondents, and response rate by semester
  • A table that includes response count, average, and standard deviation for the core survey questions by semester. It also includes the Mean of Means (average and standard deviation of the 13 core questions) and data for 2 additional questions - number of hours worked outside of class and classes missed (standard only).
  • A bar graph that displays the count of each response as a percent total response for the core survey questions

Step 2 - There are 3 tabs for viewing the data - by Course (Student Experiences of Learning), by Response (Student Experiences of Learning-Response) and by Historical data (Historic TEV). A description of each can be found by hovering over the " i " in the upper right corner in each respective tab.

  • Student Experiences of Learning:  The information displays data by Academic Year summarized at the course level.  Averages and deviations are calculated using course averages of individual responses so each course counts equally.
    • a table that includes the mean and standard deviation by course for the core survey questions by semester.
    • a table that provides a summary count of courses by semester
  • Student Experiences of Learning - Response:  This information displays data by Academic Year summarized at the student response level. The mean and standard deviation calculations are based on individual responses. 
    • a table that provides a summary of counts of courses, invites and respondents and response rate by semester.
    • a table that includes the response count, mean and standard deviation for the course survey questions by semester. 
    • a bar graph that displays the count of each response as a percent of total responses for the core survey questions.
  • Historic TEV (Teaching Evaluation): This information is summarized at the course level. Means and standard deviations are calculated using course means. NOTE: There is a gap in data during the 2014-2015 years when the University was transitioning to a new survey system.
    • a table that provides summary counts of courses by semester
    • a table that includes the mean and standard deviation by course for the core survey questions by semester as well as two additional questions:  number of hours spent outside of class and classes missed.

Survey report



You will now be able to access the report as needed.

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Using Report Filters

Task: To use Report Filters


Step 1 - Select Academic Year then Campus, College or Department to get started.

Step 2 - Data can be further refined by Course Level and/or Subject, Question Set, and Semester.



You will now be able to use the report filters as needed.

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Downloading Reports

Task: To download Reports


Step 1 - Click on download icon at the bottom right of report

Step 2 - Select format

Step 3 - For PDF, click on Create PDF

Step 4 - Choose Landscape

Step 5 - Click Download

Step 6 - Open/Save



You will now be able to download reports as needed.

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Further Readings

Student Experiences of Learning (SEL) Survey 

UNH Student Teacher Evaluations 


Need additional help?

Please fill out this Student Experiences of Learning webform with as much detail as possible, or contact the Technology Help Desk on your local campus.

For additional Training please visit the Teaching and Learning Technologies Training Calendar.