USNH Accounts: Employee Account Deactivation


This article contains account deactivation information for USNH employees.



Employee Account Termination

USNH Accounts are provided by ET&S for active employees, but when an employee's job ends, then account access is removed.  The exact timing depends on several factors.

Note: It is the responsibility of supervisors and managers to understand and follow account deactivation policies for computer accounts managed by departments other than ET&S.

The Human Resources system controls all aspects of job classification, job start date, and job end (termination) date.  The job termination date is the last day of work for the employee and the last date of automatically provided account access.

  • For USNH Staff, access to all computer and email accounts, including cloud storage files (such as OneDrive and SharePoint), associated with the individual leaving the University is disabled overnight after the termination date.
  • For USNH Faculty*, there is generally a faculty grace period after the job termination date before account access is removed.  The length of the faculty grace period depends on the campus, any collective bargaining agreements, the specific job classification or type of faculty appointment, etc.  When the grace period runs out, access to all computer and email accounts, including cloud storage files (such as OneDrive and SharePoint), associated with the individual leaving the University is disabled overnight after the end of the faculty grace period
  • If an employee is moving from one job to another, having the new job (including job start date) fully entered into the Human Resources system before the termination date of the old job will usually allow account access to continue uninterrupted.
  • All Former USNH Employees will retain access to the Human Resources self-service application (WISE) through September of the year after their employment ends, for access to tax documents.
  • Any questions relating to jobs, start or termination dates, faculty grace periods, etc. should be directed to Human Resources by either the employee or their supervisor.
  • For USNH Sponsored Users, access to all computer and email accounts, including cloud storage files (such as OneDrive and SharePoint), associated with the individual leaving the University is disabled early on the expiration date of their sponsorship.

USNH Accounts to be removed include:

  •     Accounts associated with the employee's Primary username, e.g. jbd2519 or
  •     Accounts associated with all of the employee's Admin or Secondary usernames, if any, e.g. adm_jbd2519
  •     Access to or guardianship of any Pool, Secondary, or Service accounts 

This process has mitigated the risks related to accessing of data by a former employee’s computer account. These risks include identity thefts, spoofing of E-mail addresses, accessing confidential data, and manipulation of data.


Other Situations

Supervisors, please complete the Remove Access for Existing User within the Accounts Management System if you have an employee who is leaving prior to their job end date or if their access needs to be revoked immediately.  An Account Administrator will then work with you to remove or update the employee's access.  

If an employee is moving from one job to another, having the new job (including job start date) fully entered into the Human Resources system before the termination date of the old job will usually allow account access to continue uninterrupted.

Planning ahead will assure a smooth transition in computing when your department experiences a vacancy. Here are some things the department and supervisor can do:

  • If a different employee will be taking on responsibilities of the vacated position, make sure this employee has the appropriate computer accounts and security access to get the job done.
  • Update any departmental E-mail distribution lists, such as members and owners as well as update any departmental E-mail aliases.
  • Be sure that the employee works with a supervisor to have administrator access to the PC.
  • Employees should never share their account information. Ask the employee who is leaving to review their protected storage areas for any files, programs, E-mail, or E-mail contacts that should be shared prior to the account being deactivated.  

All Former USNH Employees will retain access to the Human Resources self-service application (WISE) through September of the year after their employment ends, for access to tax documents.


* USNH Faculty Types

The names used for different types of faculty appointments vary.  Some terms in use at various USNH campuses include:

  • benefited faculty
  • full-time faculty
  • tenure track faculty
  • non-tenure track faculty
  • part-time faculty
  • adjunct faculty
  • contract faculty
  • clinical faculty
  • lecturers
  • teaching lecturers


Further Readings

OneDrive: Moving Institutional Files to SharePoint before leaving USNH - for USNH owned/shared data

OneDrive: Copying Personal Files/Folders before Leaving the University - for personal data

Accounts Management System 

USNH Human Resources  -

Web Information System for Employees (WISE) -


Need additional help?

Visit the Technology Help Desk Support page to locate your local campus contact information or to submit an online technology support request.  For password issues you must call or visit the Help Desk in person.