UNH, Canvas: Honors Designated Courses

Task: This article describes the options available when a course has an Honors designation.


Honors Designated Courses:

For all the details on what happens as part of the honors designation process you can read this description provided by the honors program: http://www.unh.edu/honors-program/designating-course-honors

The important thing to note is in the second to last paragraph, "the Registrar will create a special Honors section of the course, and transfer the student into it". When this happens the student is set to an Inactive status in the general Canvas course and added to a new, honors Canvas course. Faculty may want the student to continue to be a part of the regular course to participate in class discussions, access materials, receive announcements, etc....

To accomplish this you want to cross-list the honors section with the original course. This article explains how you will go to the honors course and cross-list it, so the student will be a part of the original course: Canvas: Cross-List/Combine Course

Alternatively you can also re-activate the student in the regular course.  If the student has activity and submissions, then re-activate the student so the submissions and grades are not lost.

If you want to manage the honors specific assignments and grading in Canvas you create new assignments and/or assign them specifically to the student in the Honors course. Read more about that feature here: https://community.canvaslms.com/docs/DOC-2630

Note:  When the student is moved to the Honors course, they will be set to an inactive status in the general course and will no longer be able to access the course until you re-activate their status in the people area of the course and/or cross-list the course as mentioned above.


Users should understand the options available when a course has an Honors designation.

Further reading:

Honors designation process

Canvas: cross-list/combine course

How to view differentiated assignments with different due dates in a course

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Article ID: 1249
Fri 7/19/19 5:57 PM
Thu 8/1/24 3:54 PM
Applicable Institution(s):
University of New Hampshire (UNH)