Using Data Driven Alerts on Tableau Server


This article contains instructions for Developers on how to use and create Data-Driven alerts on the Tableau Server. Data-Driven alerts were a new feature available with Tableau 10.3. When data reaches important thresholds, data-driven alerts send out email notifications. While it’s possible to set alerts on behalf of your viewers, the Tableau Support team recommends that Developers only set alerts for themselves. If you must use this feature to schedule alerts for other users, please get their permission first. As always, please be aware of sensitive or protected information. If your visualization displays any sensitive information please do not schedule data alerts.



Task: To create a Data-Driven alert on the Tableau Server.



Step 1 - Select a continuous numeric axis of any chart other than a Gantt chart or map. (Numeric bins and discrete numeric axes aren't supported.)

tableau numeric axis image

STOP: If any sensitive or protected information is displayed do not schedule a data alert.


Step 2 - In the toolbar, click Alert.

Tableau data alert icon


Step 3 - In the Create Alert pop-up window, set the data condition and threshold value that triggers alert emails. In the view, a red line shows where the threshold falls relative to your current data.

Data alert pop-up window

Step 4 - Specify the email subject line, schedule*, and recipients**. Then click Create Alert.

*We suggest that you choose the least frequent option that fits your needs.

**Please remember that we strongly advise developers not to schedule alerts for other users without their knowledge and permission. Please note that all Tableau users will appear on the list but email alerts will only go through if the user has permission to interact with your projects.



You should be able to create and use Data Driven Alerts on the Tableau Server.


Need additional help?

Please use this link to contact the Tableau Support Team. Use the “Request Support” button to enter a question or support request.  



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Article ID: 1418
Fri 7/19/19 6:04 PM
Tue 10/24/23 11:46 AM
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