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This article includes information about using AirMedia wireless projection
This article provides steps to remove expired TLS certificates for UNH eduroam.  This can sometimes solve the problem when a device keeps saying the connection is not trusted, or the user is continually prompted to select a certificate, yet none selected allows them to connect.
This article contains instructions for USNH employees to add and print to the Employee PaperCut Print queues. These instructions are for Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS. There are many varieties of Linux and desktop environments, so you may need to adjust these steps to your particular Linux distribution.
The USNH System has licensed the Qualtrics Survey Research Suite, a Web-based survey and data analysis service. This license provides the USNH community with a set of powerful online survey and research tools, and allows an unlimited number of surveys and survey responses annually. Our license also includes Offline Survey capabilities for use with tablet or smartphone devices.
This article provides information on how to create and delete an M365 Group in Outlook on the Web and contains several links on how to best use your group for collaborating.
This article has instructions to manually add PaperCut Direct Print Queues to a computer managed by USNH. These instructions are for managed computers at UNH and the USNH System Office only. For unmanaged or personal devices, use PaperCut Mobility print instead.
This article walks through the LTI Request process.
This article will focus on using the Advanced Search functionality within Navigate and using the filters to find the specific information the user requires.
This article will highlight the features and information that are included when viewing the Students tab in the Navigate application.
This article goes over the most common problem with storage issues on a Plymouth Create domain, which can be fixed by deleting backup files.
This article describes how to turn off automatic backups in one's own PlymouthCreate.
Turnitin (Similarity) is an application that checks for originality, detects plagiarism detection and can be used as a tool to help students understand how to properly cite sources in their academic work.
This article includes many helpful links to refer to when using Plymouth Create. Categories include: general information, CPanel dashboard, domain management, application, Creative Commons and Public Domain Licensing, exporting, and quotas.
This article describes how to add media to a channel using MediaSpace.