PSU, UNH, USNH - Salesforce Marketing Cloud: Uploading a New Ad-Hoc List


This article will walk users through the process of taking a list they have generated from another system and uploading it to Salesforce Marketing Cloud (SFMC).



Task: To upload a new Ad-Hoc list to Salesforce Marketing Cloud.

The list upload functionality is located outside of the main email area of the SFMC interface.


Step 1 - Navigate to

Step 2 - Search for Salesforce Marketing Cloud, select the Ad-Hoc List upload option

Step 3 - The Ad-Hoc area uses the Users USNH credentials (username and password) via Single Sign On (SSO) to access the system.

Step 4 - Once logged in the user can see any lists uploaded from their Business Unit on the main page. Users will be able to manage their own lists from this page. If a user owns a list they will have the ability to delete that list from the system. The system pre-filters the list based on the users business unit.

NOTE: Lists will only be available for 60 days in SFMC, after that, lists will automatically be removed by the system regardless if they have been refreshed or used.


Step 5 - Click Add List on the Right side of the page

Step 6 - Name field is required and must be unique. Naming conventions will be up to the specific business unit or department. It's recommended best practice of Initials -- Date -- Name (example: PLB -- 112117- Uniquename)

Step 7 - Click Create in the lower right


Step 8 - In the Upload list entries page the user can select the type of list from the Field Contains dropdown

Step 9 - Once selected, choose the Field Delimiter type

a. Pipe - This file type is the native file that is exported from Banner

b. Comma - a comma delimited file, many times referred to as a .csv where values are separated by a comma in the file

c.  Tab - a file where the delimiter used is a tab, where values are separated by a tab in the file

Step 10 - Tell the system whether or not the file to be uploaded contains a header row or not. This will help the system format the data knowing that row 1 contains header information and all real data resides below that.

Step 11 - Next, choose Browse in the File area in order to navigate out to the file that contains the list information

Step 12 - Once the file has been selected, choose Submit


Step 13 - The system will then provide Upload Stats on the Results Page that will allow the user to see the total entries to be uploaded, the number of invalid entries and resolved valid entries. If the criteria looks good to the user they can select Submit to Salesforce MC

a. If the user needs to edit entries, they can click Browse List Entries to see a list of records on screen.

b. The user can then choose to Add Entries manually or edit entries contained within the file without having to edit the file and re-upload.

c. Click on the MSG column header to sort all records that require attention to the top

d. Use the Edit icon to the left of each entry

e. Once edits have been made the user can click Ad-Hoc lists at the top left and navigate back to the main page and choose Submit list to SFMC


Step 14 - If no edits were needed, the user will be taken to the Submit List page and will be asked to confirm the upload to SFMC and the user can click Submit to SFMC.

NOTE: Please allow 2-3 minutes to process the request. Email notification will be sent to you upon completion.

Step 15 - The system will upload the list and the list will now be present on the Adhoc lists page letting the user know the business unit and status of the list.

a. The user can choose to Upload file, to the same named list just created. So if the user went through the process and decided they uploaded the wrong file or the file has been updated since the upload the user can retain the same name and simply upload a new list to the name. In order to complete this, the user can revert back to Step 7 above.

Step 16 - The List will now be available to access from the Email Studio area of SFMC.



Your new Ad-Hoc list is uploaded and available to be accessed.


Further Readings

For information regarding file types and required information for each, please see related article:

Salesforce Marketing Cloud: Ad-Hoc List Formatting


Need additional help?

Please fill out the Salesforce Marketing Cloud Webform with as much information as possible, or contact the Technology Help Desk.


For additional Training please visit the TLT Docs & Training site

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Article ID: 1498
Fri 7/19/19 6:08 PM
Fri 9/15/23 1:21 PM
Applicable Institution(s):
Plymouth State University (PSU)
University of New Hampshire (UNH)
USNH System Office